2012 School Magazine
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Brisbane Girts Grammar School works with Oaktree's Sch00t54Schoots programme which forms partnerships between AUStratIan schools and schools in Cambodia. Through its projects. Oaktree empowers young Australians to make an Impact in creating a better wortd. This year s focus was the Kampuchean Action for Primary Education IKAPEl programme. which worked to improve and provide access to quality education in Cambodia's most disadvantaged areas At Brisbane Girls Grammar our 'seed group' meets weekly to discuss important topical issues regarding Oaktree's projects in Cambodia. As a service group we focus on raising funds to assist with the renovation of schools. the improvement of teaching quality, and provision of scholarships to disadvantaged youth. Overall this Year we have raised a fantastic $850 through our Winter Wonderland Bake Stall in Term 11. the Charity Social Fashion Parade in Term 111 and our Open Night Lolly Skewers Statt With 14 billion people worldwide living in extreme poverty and surviving on $2 per day. it is our goal at Oaktree to eliminate global poverty through the process of education. As a service group we recognise the Importance of contributing as global citizens and how that makes a difference ELLIS REES 111EI AND AKANSHA DESA1 111Li I^AUI un \11.1 ) Health Promoting Schools IHPSl is a student committee that focuses on improving the health and well-being of the School community. The primary goal of the 2012 HPS committee was to raise awareness of various health-related issues rather than focusing predominatety on fundraising. The committee chose this initiative as we felt these issues could be promoted more among young women. particularly those within our School community. HPS began the year with Sunnies For Sight Day. to remind the girls about their vision. eye care and how they can join the fight against avoidabte blindness and vision impairment in developing countries where people don't have access to eye examinations The committees next initiative was a free healthy fruit stall in Term 11. With kind donations of fruit by Fruity Capers. IGA and Clayfietd Markets we were able to greet girls as they entered the gate one morning with a piece of free fruit along with the Heart Foundations healthy tips and reminders about Heart Disease. Our goalwas to give each girl a boost to the day and remind them an apple a day keeps the doctor away This initiative was a big success with all fruit in the hands of a teacher or student with many coming back for more. Health Promoting Schools continued the tradition of a teachers v student volleyball game to remind girls thirty minutes of activity each day to keeps a healthy heart. body and mind. As a committee. we feel that we have achieved our goal and next year we hope Health Promoting Schools win expand to better spread awareness of a healthy lifestyle LUCYJEMISON 112B, IMADELINE PIPER 112HIAND MIKAELA EDDIE 112Hi
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INN A I'M IN Iftt. inMENfiAtri^^^EE-^!11ABi, ^^-EfiH^-I+I^ lowlvlll MINAH, 11 A cowlMTI INTl Inn 110M 111 0111/11 lit 11111v1 1111 ECB provides the homeless people of Brisbane with coffee and sandwiches early every morning. Since 2009. the School has been closely aligned with the charity. providing girl power throughout the year to make sandwiches for the ECB van to distribute. The Year 11 and 12 girls involved in this initiative really enjoy volunteering their time and energy to this worthwhile cause. it provides opportunities for girls to make a real difference to the community and before the rest of us are out of bed! The girls love how simple. yet worthwhile the proje is. This year. more than 60 girls helped out and the tireless efforts of Mrs Barker and Mrs Zealand were invaluable in
allowing this initiative to continue MIKAELA BRUSASC0 112Wi
Not only did ECB give me a wider Insight into our community but it was also lovely to help those less fortunate than us
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