2012 School Magazine
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The Student Councit responded to our call for a global perspective and made a decision to support Care Australia's EaslAfrica Appeal as the Schools major charity for the year Currently East Africa 15 experiencing the worst drought in sixty years, causing a major food and water crisis We are particularly sympathetic to the impact of the drought on women in the affected areas 'Often women are the last to eel when food 15 limited and also shoulder the largest burden in collecting drinking water' icere Australia. 20/11. This fact furthered our desire to support this cause and raise awareness of the dire conditions in which they are living Money raised from Blue Days Bi-Grammar events and Valentines Day has all gone to this urgent cause We have maintained a local focus by continuing to support local initiatives Year 11 and 12 girls continued to visit the Royal Children's Hospital Foundations Wonder Factory to volunteer their time and energy. entertaining and ptaying with the sick children This exercise In community giving has been rewarding for both the girls and the children A new initiative by Sara Pollock 112El encouraged girls to bring in boxes of toys to donate to the Wonder Factory The senior girls also continued their support for the ECUmenica! Coffee Brigade. waking up early in the morning to make sandwiches and coffee for people who are
homeless. in July. Grammar Goes Green was a great success at the Wetton Bridge Reserve with Year 12 girls busy clearing the ground before planting and watering young saplings Following the tradition of past School Service Captains. we continued our support for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation by holding Pink Day. a highlight of the year in which the girls turn themselves and the School pink Years 85 and 95 have continued to raise funds for their respective World Vision sponsor children Each House group was given the challenge to raise approximately $100 House Service Captains helped each House Group to manage their project and successfulty raise the money through their own Initiative The Year 10 Community Service programme once again saw students enthusiastically volunteer fifteen hours of their own time to help others. The girls put themselves forward to volunteer at a wide range of placements such as community groups. aged care facilities and environmental groups. This rewarding experience allowed them to see the personal benefits that come with the giving of self. an aspect of service that. we as captains. have urged the girls to do. YearlOs also ran a coffee drive for the Brisbane FoodBank organisation which distributes food to the needy. Alter all. everyone needs a cup of coffee
Reference Care AUSiralia 1201 11 Retrieved Tuesday , Seplember 2012 irum hitp 11www care org au/Easl-A1rica-a
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