2012 School Magazine
This year. Badminton at Brisbane Girls Grammar had the largest number of players since the sport started In 2007.2012 has also been a significant year for the Badminton community as it marks the five year anniversary for Badminton at the School. The season began in April with pretIminary Friday training sess!ons. where girls were encouraged to experience the sport. By the beginning of Term 111. training intensified. and the girls trained hard with countless drills. footwork exercises and many practice games. it was wonderful to see all the girls participate with such enthusiasm. commitment and determination The annual aGSSSA Badminton competition was held in Term N over two Saturdays in an intense round-robin competition. Students ptayed doubles where they competed against all the aGSSSA schools. All teams showed their Grammar spirit as their hard work paid off and shoutd be coinmended for their great efforts NATASHA NATAMIHARDJAj12Hj, CAPTAIN Our first official game began on Wednesday15 March with the Open and first divisions who came away with successful wins against St Margaret's setting a positive outlook for the season ahead. Next was Pink Stumps day which was hosted by our squad and took place at the Brisbane Grammar playing fields In Northgate Although none of our teams were victorious. I am sure everyone enjoyed and appreciated the support provided by the senior staff and Dr Bells attendance. as well as the brilliantly pink afternoon tea Due to the unfortunate weather that comes along with ptaying a summer sport. quite a few of our games were washed out. however the Open division managed to play their tast game against Brisbane State High Despite the slight interruption with a brief storm that passed through. the game went ahead. the ME
This year. Brisbane Girls Grammar fencing has had its most successful season yet. More girls than ever before took to the piste and their hard work and dedication to training was evident in their results INN The Secondary Schools Teams Championships 15 the main competition In which all Brisbane Girls Grammar fencers compete and 15 held throughout Term 11. This year we had some amazing results with the Year 10 Division I and 2 teams. the Junior Sabre team and the Open Division 2 team all coming first In their divisions overall Later in the year. the Open Division I team took out the State SchoolTeams Championship for the fifth consecutive year and went on to win the National School Teams Championship in all three weapons for the second year in a row. This was the first time in the history of this competition that any school has won the trifecta two years consecutivety. We are very proud of our girls Not only have we had team success. but Br sbane G rts Grammar fencers have atso achieved Individually at state. national and international levels Over the course of the year. eight state gold medats and seven national Individual gold medals have been won by Brisbane Girls Grammar fencers. and an incredible nineteen fencers have been selected to participate in Queensland teams. On top of this, three senior fencers were selected to represent Australia at international competitions throughout the year Kath!een SImpson 11201 and Et12abeth Redmond lirel competed at the Commonwealth Junior Championships in Jersey. and Anne Devereaux 112Ll and Kathteen Simpson 1120j fenced in the Cadet and Junior World Championships In Moscow It was an incredibly enjoyable and fulfilling season and all girls are to be congratutated on their superb efforts at training and competition ANNE DEVEREAUX112Ll, CAPTAIN
heavens opened and the girls played probably the tightest game of the season. with Brisbane State High taking the title by only four runs Overatt the Open division finished on the ladder In fifth place while the first and second divisions finished in seventh and eighth place respectively KELLIE THOMPSON 112Bl, CAPTAIN
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