2012 School Magazine



2012 was a very successful year for Brisbane Girts Grammar rowing with all Year levels showing significant improvements bothin their skill development andin racing. This year. the 107 rowers were fortunate to use the new facilities of the recently refurbished Brisbane Grammar School rowing sheds in West End. The motto for this years season was 'One Spirit One Stroke'. which aimed to encapsulate the spirit. excitement and unity of the Brisbane Girls Grammar rowing cohort All girls adopted this motto with great enthusiasm. incorporating 11 into their rigorous training throughout Term 11 to create strong bonds within their respective crews The spirit of the rowing shed was evident over the BSRA regatta season in the first SIX weeks of

The 2012 athletics season was to be like no other. Adopting the Olympic motto 'Citius. Altius, Fortius'. or 'Faster. Higher, Stronger' was an appropriate link to the London Olympics. which was in futt swing at the start of the season. in order to bulb a sense of commitment among the girls, a different coloured ribbon was handed out at each competition meet. Afte completing all six of the meets. the girls had collected a hair tie full of ribbons. representing the colours of the Olympic rings and symbolising the unity present within the squad. To maintain enthusiasm throughout the season. prizes were awarded to high achievers This not only Included the girls who ran faster'. 'jumped higher' and 'threw further'. but also those who

Term 111 with all girls supporting each other regardless of Year level or crew. The effects of this were seen at the Head of the River where Brisbane Girls Grammar recorded excellent resutts with four crews and three scullers placing first. second or


third The girls' commitment this year has been outstanding and we hope all girls involved will continue and encourage those who wish to try to loin next season MIKAELA EDDIE112HIAND MADELEINE PIPER 112Hl. CAPTAINS The 2012 aGSSSA volleyball season saw the return of many o the School's much-toved coaches and players from previous years and the wetcome of new coaches. Year 8 players and co cadinator, Ms Gunn roll"All

The motto of 'NO Limits introduced by the 2012 Head Girls, was embraced thoroughly by the players throughout the season. displaying endless enthusiasm and dedication at all trainings and games This commitment has helped continue our tradition as the volleyball powerhouse' within the aGSSSA competition With many of our teams remaining undefeated for consecutive years the girls worked diligently to up hold this reputation in addition to developing sotId skills. creating phenomenal players and


displayed 100 per cent commitment to athletics. Attendance at trainings and competitions reflects the qualities of an athlete to ensure they reach their goals, thus this culture and attitude was fostered within the squad Around fifty girls competed at the Met North Track and Field competition. Our hard work and diligence paid off. with twenty- nine girls selected to compete at the State Championships Throughout the season, a record number of personat bests was broken. and a lot of fun was had in addition, members of the athletics team participated un 'Steptember'. where they measured the number of steps they took each day in order to raise funds for cerebral palsy research aGSSSA Athletics was held on Friday 19 October and although It was an extremely hot day. our Grammar team performed exceptionally wett. The team finished in a very close third place. a mere 30 points behind the winner Brisbane State High School The girls were successful in winning two age group pennants Congratulations must go to the 15 years and 17 years age groups Captaining a hardworking and enthusiastic squad has been an honour and we wish the squad best of luck in years to come CHRISTIE MOLLOY112HIAND ELIZA SULLIVAN 112El. CAPTAINS


achieving premierships. the 2012 season has also seen team spirit. bonds and friendships go from strength to strength Brisbane Girls Grammar School has performed exceptionally throughout the 2012 season - winning four from five available premierships Congratulations to the players and coaches of the Open. Senior A and Year 8A teams who all worked Incredibly hard in each game throughout the season to achieve undefeated premierships. Congratulations also to the Year 9 players and coach on their premiership win. This season can be considered a hight19ht in the years of Brisbane GIFts Grammar volleyball. with the results suggesting a promising future for the sport SARAH COOK 112Ml, CAPTAIN

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