2012 School Magazine
The 2012 softbatt season at Brisbane Girls Grammar School has once again been nothing less than enjoyabte and exciting. The aGSSSA softball competition was held at Downey Park. and split over two seasons with the junior teams playing their competition In October and November in Term IV. 2011 and the senior season being played during Term1.2012 wit
ERM cow^I Right from the start of the season the girls were ready with the theme '19 we re keen'. in order to do this. we introduced the second theme 'Eat Sleep Breathe Run' The first theme aimed to show competitors we were ready to take on our nineteenth title in a row at aGSSSA cross country. This theme was also used to really encourage the spirit and enthusiasm within the squad. Our second motto 'Eat Sleep Breathe Run' aimed to show how committed the cross country team was to our sport. and represented the Importance of cross country within each members dally routine
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Prior to aGSSSA in the Term I holidays we had the annual cross country camp held at Marrepatta. This camp 15 where the girls have the perfect opportunity whole and believed that If the whole of the team was motivated and dedicated. our level of achievement within the sport would As captains. we strongly encouraged team spirit and enthusiasm as a
Once again. the School performed well in the aGSSSA competitions and the girls are to be congratulated on their efforts. Those chosen in the teams began their commitment and training regime under their designated coaches. With the onset of each competition. every player worked together as a team and developed their skills which were certainty tested throughout the season. Each season saw both exciting and frustrating moments within the games. with every girl performing to the best of her ability and the results reflected this. in the junior season our teams performed outstandingly with the girls placing in the top four in every division The Year 8Bs and 10As both competed well and finished in fourth place. The Year 9 teams both managed commendable second place finishes White newest to the sport In terms of age and experience. the 8A had the best result of all. returning with first place Our senior softballers not only had a new squad. but also a new head coach Mr Fablen Bartow. Mr Bartow was the last Australian Olympic Womans Softball Coach and the Open girls were very lucky to have him as their coach The Senior A and Open teams played well with several exceptional performances from various girls throughout the season. Unfortunately. their results did not always match their efforts with both teams suffering some frustrating narrow losses. The Open team came seventh but in the end the senior As managed to finish on a high in third place BRIDGET WALTERS 112Ei, CAPTAIN
to boost their fitness levels. Along with the effort and the constant smashing of personal bests across each Year tevet. the season woutdn have been so successful without the many laughs we enjoyed together We cannot forget. however, the biggest day of the season for us, aGSSSA cross country. held at a new location this year. River mount College Girls were challenged with a course. which most of us had never run on before with to. 9 flats rather than the hills of Limestone Park. But we rose to the chattenge and conquered the flats with speed We had a number of champions of their age groups this year. with Josephine Auer 19Bl pulling through in the 14 years, and Rebecca Gardener 110Llin the 15 years it was an amazing experience and achievement to conquer the nineteenth title LAUREN MEWING112LIAND EMILY PERRIN 112Hj, CAPTAINS
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