2012 School Magazine
From smooth saltIng to racing waves. the Brisbane Girls Grammar Sailing team rose to the challenges of the salting season this year Term IV. 2011 saw our sailors hit ramps running. with only a few Sundays of training before getting into the Schools Fleet Racing Competition. Our paired teams of Mietta Dungt150n 19Gl and Ctaire Utrich 110Ll. Josephine Roe 11/01and Herr!et Shannonj12Hl. jinogen Be han-Willett110Rl and HBrriet Goers 111Ll, Bethany Stoke 110Bl and Mariana Segaram 110Wl ptsced twelfth, twentieth, thirty-seventh. and forty-fifth respectively in a fteet of fifty five strong teams from a variety of schools. Fortunately no 'Choc tops' occurred to any of the four teams. which 15 more than what can be said for others as we battled varying wind strengths and waves MUM
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The hockey season began with the squads training In Term 11 Being Inspired by the Olympics. the Brisbane Girls Grammar hockey teams used this motivation to perform to the best of their ability. With five hockey teams Including Year 8. two Intermediate teams, Senior A team and an Open team. the Brisbane Girls Grammar hockey girls became known as a large threat to all the other teams. This threat was proven with the Year 8 team and intermediate I team winning premierships undefeated. the Open and Intermediate 2 team placing second; and the SeniorA team placing fourth overall. A hockey team was setocted to participate In the Queensland Schools Cup Competition
in Term I, 2012 many of the Open team sailors had their first experience at team racing. and even our old hands learned new tricks. Despite the challenges of the opposing three-boat team trying to push our girls out of the way to w!n the race. our sailors stood their ground well and in many cases. used their fleet racing skills to overtake and win the race Fortunately there was only one Incident with a swarm of jellyfish and the girls were
laughing about it by the time we came ashore
Congratulations to all the girls who have represented the School at a regional. state and national level. MotIy Rutter 112G1,15abetta Forsyth 112El. Annie Hack 112Wl. Hannah Keny 111Ml and Victoria Orr 111Wl played in the Regional Met North team. with 15abetta and Annie being selected in the Queensland Schootgirls side, which toured New Zealand. Year 8 players Grata Wenck 18.1. Genevieve West 18Hj. Emma Bills 18Wl. Serah- Jane MCCann 18Bl and Elizabeth Perrin 18Hl ptayed in Brisbane teams at the U13 State Club Championships in Bundaberg. with Serah-Jane MCCann and Emma Bitts being selected in the Queensland team. which competed In the National Championships in Perth ISABELLA FORSYTH 112EIAND MOLLY RUTTER112Gl, CAPTAINS
The 20/2/13 seasonis eagerly anticipated by all 91rts. not only for the chance to race and train with friends again. but to wetcome our anticipated new head coach. Ms Katy Boucher I do not know about you but I would rather be sailing any day HARRIET SHANNON 112Hi. CAPTAIN
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