2012 School Magazine
Although the Brisbane Girls Grammar School football community is not great In numbers. no one can overlook the Immense effort and passion for the sport seen in our football family The 2012 football season was a memorabte and entertaining one for players, coaches and parents' At the beginning of the year. girls trialted for the Junior. Senior and Open teams. where they familiarised themselves with their new team mates. A diversity of year levels in each team provided a great opportunity for girts to build friendships across the School. outside of their classes The entire squad thrived on the friendship between players, as shown in the inter-division training games and yoga sessions As the girls travetted to The University of Queensland for each home game. a sense of unity and eagerness was shared on the bus that inspired the teams to perform at their best
Determination. commitment. persevere rice and sell-belief ca n definitely sum up the Brisbane Girls Grammar School Swimming Team for 2012 The swimming season kicked off with the annual Swim Camp held at the School pool during the Christmas holidays. At the camp. we encouraged the girls to attack the season with dedication. resitIence and team spirit. Swimming 15 a tough sport where bad experiences at training or Friday night meets are chattenging. however. this season we urged girls to look beyond their Individual successes and disappointments and focus on the team
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After competing at three Friday night carnivals. it was time for Inter house. which was an Important benchmark for the girls at this point in the season Littey House must be congratulated for winning the
The Open team competed with Intensity and gave the competition leaders a tough time in the contest for the premiership. The Open girls, coached by Mr Monteverde. have promised to extend their impressive performances and contend for victory in upcoming seasons
Littey Inter house Cup. as well as the Burrett Cup for relays Congratulations to Gibson House for winning the Lt. Cot Plant Challenge Cup for Individual events. and finally Beantand House for winning the Memorial Lifesaving relay. Ettodie Ruffin 111.15 to be congratulated for winning the open 50 metre Freestyle Championship. as well as being named the inter house Swimming Champion On 7 March. after numerous weeks of early morning starts. countless relay changeovers. and Friday night time trials. the swim team anxiously boarded the bus to the Chandter Aquatic Centre to compete at aGSSSA swimming. With our pristine swimming caps and our freshly-polished goggles. it was clear that we were ready to race. The night started off with excellent results in the medtey relays. and we were extremely pleased that this success continued throughout the event. These fantastic results. and of course. the dance warm up at the beginning of the night. contributed to Brisbane Girls Grammar placing a well-deserved third. One of the highlights on the night was the debut of the BGGS 'spelling' war cry. performed by the Year12 supporters. This Involved the girls using their btazers to spett out BGGS in the stands The unforgettabte performance from each girl proved that there were NO Limits to swimming this year. it has been our privilege to be the captains of such a fun. caring and spirited team. We have really enjoyed this season and It was an experience neither of us will ever forget We hope that this spirit continues to be displayed for years to come SHELLEY FIELDING 112LIAND STACEY WACKER 112El. CAPTAINS
Ms Lees Senior team produced entertaining and nail-biting matches throughout the season. winning four games and drawing two - placing fifth overall. Junior coaches and old girls Ms Dreves and Ms Maugeri welcomed many new and familiar faces to the team and led them to three wins and one draw this season. The final training session of the year held the Gramma World Cup round robin competition. it was evident that all girls had formed valuable bonds with their team mates and as the season wrapped up. the same atmosphere of team spirit and enthusiasm was as apparent as it was at the kick off ALEXANDRAISTORMYI SCARLETT112Ri, CAPTAIN
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