2012 School Magazine


As basketball captains this year. we worked hard to foster a strong sense of cameraderie within our basketbatt community With this in mind. all girls embodied our goal as they were supportive and encouraging of one another both on and off the court. Teams played on Friday evenings in Term 11 against strong competition and all members are to be coinmended for their achievements Special mention must be made of the 8B. 9B and 10B teams. all of which demonstrated great aptitude. claiming aGSSSA premierships in their respective divisions The Open team faced tough competition week-In. week-out and finished their season in a creditabte fourth place. in many ways. this year was a transitional one for the Open team. With two players in the team who 511tt had a ptaying connection with the NHIAll

J. .,,


The feeling you get when you finish a perfect routine 15 like no other. Your heart is racing and you have a grin from ear to ear. This 15 the one feeling we. Artistic Gymnastics Captains. will never forget. Your adrenaline is high and you are filled with joy You-turn and present to the judges and you are overcome with retIef and happiness

The anticipated wait for your score adds to this feeling Sometimes you are faced with disappointment and then there are moments where you are over the moon. Gymnastics 15 one of the most challenging sports In this wide world of sport This year we were fortunate to captain such an inspiring and successful team for the 2012 season. We had a huge number of enthusiastic girls turn up to trials In Week 2 of Term I. Teams were then selected based on the large range of skills that were demonstrated. which were then developed throughout the season in preparation for the aGSSSA competition at More ton Bay College on 3 May Att of the Brisbane Girls Grammar teams placed In the top five. which was an outstanding result for the School. A special mention must go to the three teams which won their division The Year 8111. Year 811il and D 1111 att won their divisions Congratulations to Lauren Tern 11001and Georgia Cooke 110El for representing the School in the Open division. Also a special mention to Lauren. for her selection in the Queensland Team which, competed in Nation ats Titles held in Sydney In May We strongly recommend this sport to any aspiring gymnast. it gives you great confidence and builds your athleticism as well as creating a fun sporting environment BROOKE CHAPMAN 112MjAND BRONTE HAWTHORNE 112Bl, CAPTAINS

Premiership winning side from 2009. we are thankful that the effort associated with Premiership success has been witnessed and adopted by att members of the current team. it has been an honour to captain such an enthusiastic squad of basketball players this year EMILY KEIRj120jANDISABELLA LEEMBRUGGEN 1120j, CAPTAINS


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