2012 School Magazine
,A Concerts every Term have given our ensembles many opportunities to perform for family and friends. Our solo performances for teachers and adjudicators in each Terms Performance Week have provided even more incentive to keep up the 'persistent personal practice' The year started with a bang for the senior musicians as we met with old friends and welcomed new group members at music camp It was a great weekend of games. laughs, 10/11es. and even music. CUIminating in the first concert of the year for
all the musicians who performed for visiting adjudicators and In particular to prize winners CtBudia Cameron 1108. BGGS Brass Prize I; Lucinda Hinckfuss 111H. BGGS Woodwind Prize I. and Madalyn Conwett 111L. BGGS Percussion Prize I. Also in May. wind ensemble members participated In a workshop with Brisbane Grammar School musicians and our jazz band members had lots of fun performing In a relaxed Jazz in June concert. Preparations began early for Open Day performances which showcased all the Schools music ensembles and gave
our musicians the chance to share their love of music with current and future members of the Schoot community. in late August. Chamber Winds and Concert Band took part in an intermediate band workshop with St Joseph's Gregory Terrace. and Redtands College musicians. As we neared the end of Term 111.
the Symphonic Winds The repertoire Included some challenges such as the lively and driving Dance Bohemian. but our hard work paid off and the performance was impressive. For our Year 85. the year of music started with the Welcome to New Families Concert in which they heard an Inspiration 81
11 us In A^ Nitl IN re^ MusllA1 11nNMl un MUMO^ 10^ Inn Muslin^I
performance from Symphon!c Winds. This 15 always a special night for new and old members of the Schools music community as we anticipate the exciting year ahead as part of our music programme At the autumn concert. every ensemble performed, including our five concert bands. three jazz. two percussion. one contemporary. and single guitar ensemble This year at the Cathedral Concert at St Stephens Cathedral. Symphonic Winds performed a Renaissance piece. providing a spectacular opening performance in 'surround sound'. I was fortunate to have the opportunity at this concert to perform a piece from the Haydn Trumpet Concerto. Former student Emity Smith also performed the famous Germen Fantasy for flute. it was wonderful for all of our aspiring musicians to hear from a past Grammar girl who had graduated from the Queensland Conservatorium of Music Term 11 began busily with preparation for the May concerts and the instrumental competitions. Congratutat!ons must go to
Symphonic Winds was lucky to have a workshop with the visiting composer. arranger. and conductor Graham Lloyd. where he talked about composing and worked on our repertoire for the Ga ta concert As Term N approached. excitement was mounting for what would be an unforgettabte Gata. Then with spring concerts. jazz concerts and Speech Day performances to go. some would think It was about time to wind down for the year But for our band members the year doesn't end until the last carol is ptayed at the Christmas concert We have all enjoyed another wonderful year of music at the School and it has been a privilege to be Band Captainin 2012 SARAH FARNSWORTH 11201, BAND CAPTAIN
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