2012 School Magazine

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Now in Its fourth year. E-Sports continues to grow in its depth and scope for gaming possibilities Founded in 2009. the ctub alms to provide opportunities for students to spend any lunch break engaged in relaxing. social games it promotes a comfortable. friendly environment offering much-appreciated relief from stress and pressure of academic workloads. With a wide variety of games available. players and engagement can change from one day to another This year. under a new Initiative. E-Sports was able to hold several popular Just Dance' events in the Barbera Fielding Room The Nintendo Wii Just Dance' events offered teachers and students the chance to cut loose with their favourite dance moves and compete against each other for the dancing title The E-Sports ctub 15 looking forward to many more fun and engaging gaming activities in the years to come JESSICA NASH 11201 it NII WMO1 10,111 lullVI MMI lit While at Gwennies we write and share ideas for our stories. I really enjoyed combining my ideas with thos others and working together with my friend JOSEPHINE ROElllOj

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I^ ^All; WIT^ A un 11 WWII The Kleio Society. named after the Greek muse of history. is a new co- curricular society for members with a common passion for all things ancient. Made up of students from all Year levels. the Society has undertaken a variety of different activities in Its in augurat year Under the motto 'When in Rome. do as the Romans do' we have spent the year preparing for an authentic Roman feast. This Involved a visit from a Roman cooking specialist who prepared traditional Roman food. which certainly had some strong flavours with one recipe calling for 25 cloves of garlic. Under the guidance o1 Dr Tarapore and Dr Johnson. we then set about recreating Roman garments to wear for the feast The Society's other project this year was a collaboration with The University of Queensland R D Mitns Antiquities Museum. in which six Society members from Years 11 and 12 prepared an online exhibition featuring artefacts from the museum. The theme of the exhibition was competition at the Ancient Olympic Games This project CUIminated In an evening at the Antiquities Museum to officially launch the website The Kteio Society's first year has been busy and exciting. We hope that next year the Society witt continue to grow within the School and members will continue to tearn and enjoy extending their knowledge of the ancient world beyond the classroom And because everyone loves a good Ancient History joke What 15 a mummy's favourite type of music? Wrapl KATE JEREMY112EIAND KELLIE STAFFORD 112Bj

Gwen Harwood Society is free and unrestricted. a type of place for those who explore imagination. It was my type of place; Miss Littler was kind and helpful, and the members were unique and fun AMELIA SU 111Bl

The Gwen Harwood Society 15 a fun. educational club for creative girls, where we can unleash our minds In stories and poems. We get the opportunity to meet professional writers and go to festivals SOPHIA LUNN 19Ej

Gwen Harwood Society is a group of people who writ together and by themselves. receiving constructive criticism from everyone. The club also presents the unique chance to meet professional writers and go to activities like the Brisbane Writers Festival


Gwen Harwood Society is a place for Imagination. a group whose members can develop and explore their creative writing skills In un and educatio nviron merit LUCY DREW 111Gi AND GEORGIA FAIRBAIRN 111Hj


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