2012 School Magazine

I^\ ^!01/11^I

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Queensland professionals and ITom the studenls on the following Thursday evening The programme helped students 10 develop their confidenc discipline and locus and was a great opportunity IDF the two Schools 10 share this experience Ms L THORNouisT. DIRECTOR OF CREATIVE ARTS

Moving Opera1 15 a live day in-school residency where students wo rk with p roles 510na15 IToin Ope ra a u ee nsta rid. jin p roving vocal and stage Iechniques as well as learning aboul opera and experiencing the thrill o1 being par1 o1 an opera chorus This yeai' saw eighleen o1 0ui' girlsjo!n with nine boys 11'0m Brisbane Gi'am mar School 10r the workshops that began with a lull day programme on Sunday and hall days CUIminaiing 111 a 51.0wcase concert of wonderIul music ITom the Opera lowO^ER^' 111^ Lucky members of Composers' Club were given the amazing opportunity to arrange a Christmas carol for the Carols night We chose O Come All Ye Faithful and were required to create an arrangement suitable for junior/intermediate band level under the pressure of a two-month deadline. With help from both Mr Kucharski and Mr Pennay. we were able to complete a three verse arrangement with which we all were pleased. Our tight deadline and composing restrictions taught us abou time management. working under pressure and composing/ arranging to meet the specific needs of the person/ensemble who is commissioning you. just like a professional composer/ arranger. We also had a lot of fun and now understand why band pieces are nearly always in B flat major! Congratulations to Chioe YaplllBlwho was awarded Highly Coinmended in the Senior Instrumental/Vocal division of the Australian Society for Music Education's Young Composers' Competition this year. SARA RENTOUL 111Rj

^un MM 1/1/10 This year. selected song writers were so grateful to have had the opportunity to work with Prof. Pat Pattison. a professor at Berktee College of Music. It was an incredible opportunity to hone our writing skills. Congratulations to Georgia Horsley 111Gl for her song Catch Me and Rebecca Davidson 112Gl for her song Little Red Boat who were both awarded Highly Coinmendedin the 2012 Queensland Music Awards EMILIA LALOUSIS 111Ei

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