2010 School Magazine
C try I particularly enjoy the hand8 on approach to understanding chemistry with our preotical lessonB enabling us to observe the timer workings of materials, first hand. ,,.",, rin ,,",, r ,.,.,, .
F1iys ' CS Physics allows us to think rationaly and logically about elements of our world, it also encourages creativity in problem solving, which has really helped me in all my other subjects. Amy ^'orgyth. 1.1. B The biglilight of Year 11 PbyBloB baB d finite been the Extended E, coopiment InveBtlgatlon where we have been given creative license to investIgat real world hanomena. This task arrowB each student to Briowoase her specific talentB. Amena ,"o80rley I. ,.
Studying German has not only improved my language skills but has helped me develop greater cultural understanding. From studying someone else's language you begin to discover various cultural nuances and learn to become a more sensitive global citizen I relish the opportunity to learn a subject (Latin) so rarely taught. The combination of interesting ancient history and language components are the basis of the enjoyable subject especially with the experience and guidance of our fantastic teacher. Joseplii, Ie MacnffiUan 11. G
Japanese is wonderful because we are able to learn about other cultures. seeing the world from ,: different perspective. Dan, I, eUe Anderson LIB
I truly believe that Chinese is a wonderful language and culture. I look forward to each lesson as the content is taught in an interesting and exciting way. Yee-"eng oh ,.,. O
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Sc' XI. e uli t I ei\joy Multi-strand Science due t the fact that I encompasses an sciences - physics, biolo rid chemistry. Taylor Sineddon. 1.10
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