2010 School Magazine

f ^I. ' gi. orL dy of Religion provi co ing!grit into ' arent cultures and has helped me of mm e my underB current confiiots in the world news. it's a mix o Glent and modern 'stop with a twist, giving you an insight to the way differ an people live. The snell o1888 allows for ' toresting discussions 88 well 88 an intimate learning environment. Abee E and I'LL

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Biology this year has been. extreme, y engaging and will Do doubt aid me In 111, ., future career in this field I specifically appreciated the OPPor;un!;,., to take part in the national Biolog}, 0111mpiad program ..'!ne, e vie ape encouraged to expand our kno\'liedge of biology Angenque Sweep LIB






Moder History ignites a pasBi n o learn, know and understand oar world. Througli highly eng critical inquire debate and reflection we have8tlg&to e proce8seB of eb e and continuity that have sh ed @0ntenn orary societies. This Butteet toBterB empathy and developB tr&Daterable higher order t 8110 us to become analytical and in Boernlng life-long learner8. adeleine Semit 1.1. ^ in nod un History e have freedom to select our own areas of study, learning about 'great' men d women in hist y with the choice of matorieal figureB Bush 88 Ich Arum and Balen Kenor for in depth TOBe cb task8. _ tvi 81.11 ILE be st y of Ancient rustory e an enjoyable and enlightening subject in w ch we look at t e 1190n, 818 and p ' o80pby of the ancient world. I find the Bubjeot to be fascinating, as our teachers are eng and we Boove remarkable facts about ancient civillBattonB. inn'saret Veitch ,.,.^ B 8,


T'S has owe me to explore my orea Inty y creating innovative products on all platforms from deo to web81tes. I artloularly like using the to uloue 80 e GirlB Groinmar has to o or. Clame 0900n^or 1.1. ^ B year in ms l enjoyed working with a client hen creating my ebsite as I felt it effectiveIy p epared me for future career o000r ties. Lie Bt, 1.1.

Drama has exposed me to an inspiring collection of plays and playwrights. and has furthered my performance and analytical skills with creativity and enthusiasm. The dramatic learning environment has fostered valuable class relationships built on trust Georgia Hallzi L, .O

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