2010 School Magazine

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in in EngU8b we have learnt about advertising, studied movie teemitques and looked at an Australian novel. Bach of these units has helped me to develop my Enghsh skills and expand my vocabulary. Mega^ ApplegarU, . ,.,. G- . in English I am able to really express myself and greatly improve my analytical skills. A highlight, for me, was the work during Term 111 involving Australian Poetry. I studied, in depth, the works of Judith Wright and Les Murrey and found the entire process extremely enriching as it taught me about the techniques erup oyed by poets such as muteratlons, stintlies and imagery. Onvia Back ,.,. B

^usic I enjoy Music because it 18 often a much freer, less formal subje others, and because there are so many different ways to than learn one thing. This year in Music, we have studied three main units, composition, per Tmance and analysis/musicianship. Rece tly, we undertook ajarge 8881giiment that spanned two terms - we 8011 coinp08ed piece to 8000m any a mm clip of about two minutes, and then we performe them UVe in the Genrmann Theatre. JGBsica eatenL LIB


orlonu s Economics 18 a challenging but very rewarding h a complex range of both social sub:Bot, and econ 0 188 00 that are extremely relevant to our a ration. G-abrieUe Begl. ey I, LL Boono B keeps you up. to date with current affair it c vers issues that are really understand what my parents are re a at cowl A highlight was studying popul t , myth - whether having a bigger Bunaller Australia 18 more suitable to comeve auBt able owtb 80 that we can BUGoeeBfully fuel our elng Do ulation, skills shortage and labo market. eraudia E^^I ,.,. a- Bbr

Geograph:I camp at liarrapat, a in Term 11 ,..!as a really enjoyable experience. On the trip ,..!e did some testing of viater and studied tile nattiral plants and ,.':lid!ite at variotis ci, eeks. Tile field ,..!ork ...!as enriching and even included clie occasional co. '., 51st1:1ng. Ramya Putts I. ,. un 111 Geograpl^, ,.'!e silldiea significant so the impact of disease. 110. .I it is spread and vinat , do about 11 I also learnt so much on Geography camp in preparat!o11 for an assignment ;ha; invol, ., ed the issues of the :AUP, a. .,-Dar!!rig Ri'., er. Claudia ^^owell ,.,. G Issues such as

Bob 01

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