2010 School Magazine


Vial^at Arts Visual Art has provided me with a greater appreciation of the world around me. in art this year, we've experimented a lot with paint media and photography. I particularly I\joyed creating a painting o inspiration excursion to ShorncUffe. The critic analyst of at pieoes that we discu8s in o1as8 and review in our written 8881gimients has bel ed me in other subjects, such as riglish. I feel that Visual Art has provided t a eater PPPeclation of the world oundme. ucui ^

Maths A teaches practical concepts that can be implemented in real-life situations. This year we have studied money management vJhich involved profit and loss. budgeting and foreign eXchange. Recently, we learnt hovi to link two and three dimensional shapes vihich provided students with knowledge about scale drawings and estimating the quantities and costs in a variety of construction areas Grace Van de Graaff ,. IL I have really enjoyed studying graphs and quadratic formula. s in Maths B as it has made me realise how common mathematics is ill 8.1most every a, spect of society. an example is architecture adelzzie MeCready I. ,.^I Maths C has allowed me to explore complex and challenging concepts - like matrices and cornple numbers. which have furthered my understanding and enjoyment of mathematics by applying methods to everyday situations as well as purely mathematical contex:s. funy E'orsy. h LIB




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P^ The in-depth lifesaving course undertaken in Senior RFE leaves me with the knowledge that I am capable of saving lives if the time arises. ^^argot Leeson-Smith 1.1. G

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