2010 School Magazine
Maths This year, we studied a variety of topics in maths. From inlaneial maths to coordinate geometry to algebra. in Term IV, the math Glasses were split into Maths A and B in preparation for the senior school. it was quite challenging but I have thoroughly enjoyed it. VLvia, I rung LOB
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Maths has been challenging yet it is rewarding when you understand concepts. Onelsea Duke 1.00
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I have learnt so much from Geography. Before I started Geography I did not kno, .'I much about the vJorld and tile countries. After nearly three years of' Geography I call nor. ,,, name in OSt of the countries in Asia. all tile continents a. rid even tell yoii about the o111/11re of Portugal! Geography is a really Intel'esting subject and Joulea!11 so 11/11ch abouL the ,.':Dpid. ^;rimly mensezi 1.0L. I look for, ,. lard to my Geograp' v ~', because they ape fun and I learn a lot. I ha. ., e I to read a map and about ,.'!o. 1d populations. I hale g. 841 Ian ..'!ith my friends and in the class discuss, ons ECate illunter ,. OL
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