2010 School Magazine

Cornznitmezit 11ni^r and Pride At Brisbane Girls Grammar School all Year 12 students are regarded as leaders of the School. The Student Council is constituted of the leaders of the leaders. it is made up of the House, Club and qGSSSA Sports, Cultural and Service Captains and the Head Girls. As a group they met once a week for a planning, feedback and development session throughout the year. Understanding that each girl on the Student Council has her own style of leadership and wanting to determine how best to work together to make the most of these differences a Student Council camp was held at Marrepatta prior to the start of the school year. The camp was both challenging and funUing for staff and students alike. it was at this camp that the Head Girls ran brainstorming sessions to determine the Goals and Motto of the Student Council for 2010 - "Never miss a beat" became the motto with the three goals of coinimtment, unity and pride. Mrs EC Cohen, ^^ead of Mac, ray E^CUBe. and year ,. a Co ordi, ,. at or mator ;:!:!:!': : ; . I .Lt\.

I^^Liti. -strand Science Mum's to and Science explains the background to everyday phenomenon. F1Loebe ECezmy 1.8B

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at115 Although Maths B can definitely be demon and on riging at times, nothing beats the feeling of 8000mplis a tmi8t at trig maths pro eru. Meera Tair, .an, 1.8^

Physics this year has been both demanding and rewarding. As all Physics students know. the REl this year was one of the hardest and most time consuming projects Grace Gillett ,. BE Chemistry is interesting because it allows you to understand the processes which underpin much of what goes on in the world around us I enjoy learning about how the human body functions in Biology and how even small mistakes in the coding of a tiny gene can significantly affect you Mieh. eUe Phani 1.80

Maths A 18 praotio and enjoyable and tea he you skills that ou rest of your life. Z. on .

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I really enjoy how 8th8 C has oh enge in this year. I ba e developed ad an GBd problem solving methods that allow me to conquer problems that would have otherwise appeared impossible. Daisy Swimdo, ,. ^Eacm, nan Law

Sond. y of ^,, elision Study of Religion has given me the ability to understand and relate to more people than I ever thought possible. mala Snowden 1.8L

^11stc Music has encouraged me to push my creative boundaries to the limit. EC^ten CDr. ",., a ,. an Studying Music Extension has been a great way to further extend my music performance technique and confidence. I've loved every quaver of I Vivlenne IP 1.8B

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