2010 School Magazine


G-eog, eapli Geography enables you to see the world from a different perspective. We went on a very exciting excursion to the Roma Street Parklands and to King George Square. We also did an assignment on endangered places, which I really enjoyed as we learnt how humans are endangering the most historic and oldest religious sites on the planet. Alexan. at a Ferry 81^

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in Geography we learnt about different countries and their religions and culture. I studied India and its religion - Hinduism. I wrote a report on India and how its society displayed organisation and complexity. Bosuni Mendis 8T.


I. C The visit by the Japanese drumming troupe Taikoz was definitely one of my favourite performances of the year. it was a great experience and all Year 8s enjoyed it immensely. Year 8 students participated in a Virtual Choir to perform an improvised piece, Ancient Voices. Recording the Virtual Choir was tremendous fun and the end product sounded amazing. Nicola Cook 8^"

Music is one of the few subjects that expresses everyone's creative side by singing, composing and reading music. Eraty uncLean 80

Art encourages veryone to be Greatlv an express their ideas, thoughts and teemi s. in Term I my class worked on ore tive mixed-medi artwork b Bed on 'Nature Spirits'. We were given several eeks and an sorts of different materials to o0mplete 's artwork. ErrLsten. ^homeon 8Z.

I really ei\joy working with different materI s to create an image of an intoneBting picture or object that shows feeling and emotion. I also love working tb different colourB to Greats different moods. E'ran PC eU 8E^

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