2010 School Magazine
11^atI^ I like working on mathletios on the computers because it makes maths interesting and interactive. We can also go online and compete against other children around the world, which everyone likes to do. Maddie Redbi, r, L 8B. I enjoy maths because it can be used in everyday life Recently, my class has been learning about percentages (and converting them into fractions and decimals). This win help with shopping and calculating discounts on prices and finding better buys. 32ee-,"un Goh 8.1
Seie ce I like science because I love knowing how things work and being able to apply this to procs. I enjoyed going to the wildlife park and being able to do experiments. Gatherirue Cb. an 8G
Science gives you a better view of the world, and it is fun at the same time. mice Bingelstein. 8B
Computer Sti:Id. Les 11n ha8 given me a o0d grasp of technology. Ableall Z^,,,,, e 8Z. I have eruoyed the t ' 8 e have been doing this last semester in 11n - making a website d photostory. Grace a'erezrLy 8^I
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My favourite topic was family - 'Ina faint!Ie'. The highlight of the semester was baguette making. vJhere vie were taught an out tile fillings and ho\\, to ask for what you would like. Kann Pome 8H
is interesting to learn about different countries and their culture and language. adjsozi Cmoma 80
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