2010 School Magazine



The Year 8 Student Care Programme "Ethics" is designed to support the Year 88 through their first year as high school students' The most important theme for Term I was "Connections" and students became more familiar with one another and learnt how to be organised students, Through the FRIENDS Programme in Terms U and 111, the students learnt about bonding positive self esteem, managing feelings, developing resilience, being a good friend, and resolving conflict. Mrs Belbin, the School CounseUor, also talked to the students about promoting positive relationships and strategies to put in place for when relationships break down. To support their transition into Year 9, Term IV focused on coping and problem solving. The Year 88 enjoyed finishing the progrn. mine for the year with the task of compiling letters to themselves, which win be kept by their Head of House and returned to them at the end of Year 12.

Mrs L ^IC, -vey E, ead. of O'Con^or ^^0^se and Year 800-0rdi, "at or



^rigl^ The writing I have done this year included several book reviews, a limerick, a sho story, a diary entry, and several orals. The poems I have studied included Timorhy innters, 00mingLate, and several others' My favourite poem was Timorhy Winters, because it flows weit and describes the predicament of poor Timothy artfully and with many good metaphors. Brimnnon WePPIier 8^ This year w_ ave been studying poetry and AM or inght's Dream. I really ei\joyed studying Shake8pe&re and presenting a 8peech from the play. learnt of about 11/12abetban Boolety and ShakeBpearean language. ^,"rin A'stey Codd 8^

1.10^ami Drama is an excellent way to express your feelings and have fun, improve your confidence and try new things. Activities such as improvisation and even just standing up in front of the class and performing a scene have improved my public speaking skills The production we did was a great experience as we were able to perform in front of a live audience and use the skills vie had learnt. As a result of this I picked lip some really good tips. such as speaking out loud. using lots of expression and having full. I have seen an 11nprovement in my confidence and as a result of this I had the coui. age to try o11t for the debating tealn and House Grotip Captain. adjsozi Kennedy-"ucker 80

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