2010 School Magazine
The 2010 tennis season will be remembered as one of the most successful seasons in our School's history. Our Open, Senior A, 9A, and LOB teams all claimed premierships, and all other teams placed highly in their divisions. Our season commenced early in Term H with the annual Intramural Tennis Championship. BTOnte Millman (120) claimed the Open title, while Sarah Ridgeway Cross. Annabelle Ganko. and Phoebe TPOnc claimed the Years 8.9, and 10 titles respectively in order to build team moral and welcome the new Year 8 players, our School hosted its first ever "Wimbledon Day" in which players teamed with family members to compete in a doubles competition The Girls Grammar home courts changed to the new Mount Grayatt Tennis Centre at Grimth University. This facility proved to be an amazing place for both players and spectators. ThankfulIy. although the venue had changed. the support of the parents and friends I. emained as strong as ever. The entire tennis squad this year always showed enthusiasm and commendable sportsmanship during their games Success does not come by chance, so it is clear that all of the early. cold winter morning training sessions and the support and encouragement of the coaches and the tennis coordinator. Dr Jenkins. paid off Rebecca Martin <1.2L> and Bronte Millman
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As the touch football captains of the 2010 season. we would like to congratulate all players and coaches on the successful season. This is obvious ill the 338 tries that the Girls Grammar touch teams combined to scope The Open Team. although not recording a large number of wins, played exceptionally well. A couple of the games were lost narrowly in drop off situations. The Senior A and B teams had successful seasons as well For many girls this was their last. We cornmend tilem on their commitment to the sport over their time at Grammar. Both teams finished placing third on the ladder. which is a fantastic result. The 10As recorded all impressive number of wins against tough competition Congratulations to the LOBS. who have come away with the premiership. The 9As have definitely had a fantastic seasoii 11th11ks to tileii. higli level of tomii woi, k. The 9Bs 11ave snowii muon enthlisiasm and skill in only losing two gaines. coiniiig foul'th oil tile laddei' Tile 8As had illi impressive start to the season and have done a greatjob in placing third in their competition. This is an Incredible achievement fop their first year as a team together in such a high level of the sport. The 8B team have had a fantastic season, winning all of their games and coming away with the premiership
The 2010 hueli football sansuii jilts I. ecoi, ded a Iai, ge number of wills. two promiership, with seven o11t of tile nilie tealii:; pureiiig ill tile top till'ee positions. As Cartaiiis we are numbled to have had the opportunity to lead such a committed and enthusiastic squad Jessica Ahmet Claw) and Gennina Becki, Igham <1.2L>, Captains
School magazine 201.0
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