2010 School Magazine



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Brand new Open and Senior A teams, brand new location For the first time the senior competition was moved to Downey Park instead of the traditional location of the Realands. Senior As achieved equal first place in the first non-social competition for two years and the Open team achieved second place only after narrowly losing to the

The softball season fined its Cup to the brim with commitment, unity and pride. The competition is split between two years, with the Junior competition held in Term IV, 2009 while the senior season took place in Term I, 2010

The Junior competition consisted of six teams who were undefeated BSES team by one run. This senior season guided and encouraged by tabulous coaches, scorers and produced exceptional results and I hope this can continue parents' The Year 9A and 9B team should be coinmended in the future years of this sport and maybe next year we on both their achievements of placing second in by 00 can produce a clean sweep of this competition. Softball is a team sport and therefore with the dedication although not finishing in the top three it was a successful and experience of all coaching officials and coordinator these season nevertheless. means an easy competition. The Years 10 and 8 teams should also be congratulated on their performances,

talented players who represent Brisbane Girls GTP. minar School win continue to grow and achieve great heights. Sopbie Blackshaw <1.80> , Captain


S The 2010 swimming season was one of new beginnings We had a new squad with our incoming Year 88, a new Head Coach, Ms Hatch, and, of course, a wonderful new School pool that we were able to utilise. We began tnn. in ing in Term IV, 8009 with some of our brave future Year 88 (who were then Year 7!) coming along to join in. The Christmas holidays saw holiday training and swimming camp, which for the first time in 10 years was held in the School pool. g

We competed at four Friday night meets and our internouse swimming carnival, which an indicated the significant improvements that girls were achieving. Gibson House must be congratulated for winning the Liney Interhouse Swimming Cup and The Bun'an Cup for Relays. The Lt. 001 Plant Challenge Cup for Individual Events was shared by Gibson and Liney House. Finally, Liney House won the Lifesaving Relay Cup. Staeey Waeker (LOB) is congratulated for being named School Swimming Champion and on winning the Open 50m Freestyle Championship. All of this preparation led to one night - QGSSSA Swimming, on 10 March. Our School performed very weU. 13 Years and under placed sixth, 14 Years third, 15 Years fourth, 16 Years sixbh and 17 Years placed fourth. Each age group placed the same or better than in 2009, so this is a great improvement that the girls should be proud of. Over an, Grammar Game fourth, which once again is a fantastic effort. This season brought with it many individual PBs and successes. While this was fantastic to see, it was also great to e, coerienoe the success that came as a team. The strength, depth and cohesive ness of our team were evident in an of the relay events and the way the team supported each other throughout the season.

Anale Brook <. 8, ,> and nan"an Mulen <. 8, "> Captai, us


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