2010 School Magazine



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2010 proved to be an amazing season with girls eagerly attending training after a long day at school and in the cold hours of the morning, always demonstrating enthusiasm and commitment The Year 8 teams comprised a strong bunch of girls who scored more wins than losses. The Year 9 teams took on tough and tall

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competition, although not always coming out on top. their passion and dedication made fop a great season. Year 10 teams showed what they were made of, with three premierships \,,, on. The Senior teams performed excellently against a tough qGSSSA competition winning the majority of their games. The attitude shown by the seniors on and off the court was inspiring. All teams placed in the top three - some for their final year of Grammar Netball Loud and well earned congratulations must go to the Senior C, 10A, LOB, LOG and 80 teams for taking out their respective division's premiership. The success of not only these teams but every one of the 2010 Grammar Netball teams was evidence of the girls' hard work and that of their coaches. Of course none of the season's success would have been possible without t}Ie CO-OPdinators, MPS Behl and Miss Perz. Their dedication and support of Grammar Netball has allowed each and every girl to perform at her best Cladre Bonaey 08^I> and GabrieUa Shields 0811>, Capt", n^

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atmosphere in the lead up to QGSSSA with a practice competition at More ton Bay College, which was a great chance to calm the liei. ves. Tile following week the gii. is performed beautifully at Open Day. Finally, all the months of intense training and practice competitions CUIminated at the final competition, QGSSSA, held at More ton Bay College. The girls certainly stood up to the challenge with all teams scoping in the top five of their division The gymnasts must be congratulated for their positive attitude towards training throughout the season as well as their impressive routines at our final competition which they were rewarded for on the score board. Thanks must also go to our coaches Nioola Oliver, DedPiee GPigg and Nioole Rowles, as well as our CO-OPdinator Miss Van Hornrigh. for her efforts and support mienaela Bear (1811) and Angela Castles <, 811>, Captai, Is

Girls showed their determination and commitment to the sport Fight from the beginning - attending all training sessions and working well with their choreography. Duping the Easter holidays many teams continued to train hard with the encouragement of crazy clothes training days and team breakfasts. Later in the season teams got a chance to experience the competition

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