2010 School Magazine
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1:1sic in ^^^OLO The o0.0urrieular music programme at Girls Grammar enjoyed another fantastic year of musical fun. The year 8tarted with a bang at our annual Senior Music Camp where we expanded our sight reading skins, endured canoused ftngers and split lips, played like never before but ended the intense weekend with a close bond between the 2010 music cohort. e St Stephen's Cathedral Concert showcased an extraordinary programme that demonstrated some of the immense talent the Girls Grammar Music Department as to offer. Not only did the girls sing, play and behave beautifully, we had a special treat from Cara Tran <18G) with her performance on piano that ended the night on a bigti note. We thank all those who supported this event with all proceedB raised donated to the We 81ey Hospital's Palliative Care Unit to help thoBe in need. The annual ensemble and individual music competitions were bigger and better than ever before, with an outstanding number of enthusiastic and talented entries. We would like to congratulate the winners of each section: innalriaruie MacLeod (1111) brass, Ruby Chang 08L) woodwind, Agries Leung ORE), Ginies Violin Prize, Debbie Lee am) string, Amber EvanB (120) vocal, Sabrina Sadiq (9M) Ginies Piano Prize, Cara Tran a8G) Wight Medal. Agries Leruig a8E) was awarded the prestigious defter168 BUTS&rey. After the Grilles Ensemble Competition, the vocal division
witmers, Amber 11vans <12G), Jeany Pan a2R), Madeline Weppner (1211) and Clara O'Longlilin(12E), gave an outstanding performance at the Father Daughter Dinner in August. The winners of the instrumental division were Agiles Leung ORE), Care Tran (IBG), Vivien to <18B), and Ruby Chang a2L). The School s bands and orchestras took part in a number of exciting conaborations with other schools such as the Brisbane Groinmar School Intermediate and Senior String Festival, the Combined Band Workshops with Brisbane GPn. minar School and Canberra Groinmar School, the Combined Band Workshop with Brisbane Boys' Gonege and a shaped Jazz concert with Brisbane Grammar School The girls trio oughly enjoyed these experiences, as it allowed them to take part in something b gger than most had experienced before, with a chance to make new fr ends who share a love and passion fop inUBl As a part of the School s 135th anniversary celebrations, ed art sts visited un Sohoo providing reno enter taunnent and fun for all those who participated. The virtuoso violinist Tan Cooper displayed in dynamic and versatile repertoire and incorporated many different styles in o has con e from jazz gypsy labin and blues to classical, Including Rimsky' Korsakov s Flight of
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