2010 School Magazine

Symphonic Winds performed selections from Harry Potter and The Lion King as weU as the riveting in the Ball of the Mountain Kingwhieh sent shivers down the spines of the audience. Grammar Singers performed a beautiful and moving medley from Miss Saigon while the Massed Choir sang One Short Day from Wicked. This year the ushers of the concert dressed in various fairybale costumes that undoubtedly Bet the atmosphere as well as thanled the audience. The finale of the concert was a medley of Disney tunes performed by the Symphony Orchestra and the Combined Choir which featured many soloists. This entertained the audience thoroughly and for many of the Year 12 students proved to be one of the greatest memories of the Gala Concert.

Thanks must go to the former students who returned to assist with the ensembles - we can safely say that they bad as much fun as the girls, allowing them to Fellve their own memories of past Galas. The time and effort required to attend rehearsals was much appreciated and we look forward to future performances. The music staff must also be congratulated on their outstanding performances on the night, in particular Mr M Sumvan, Director of instrumental Music, for organising this hugely successful concert. Once Upon A Time was a magical evening, taking the audience back to their childhood memories

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