2010 School Magazine
^, eerieli Sti:Id. During the September holidays, sixteen Year 11 students trave Med to France to participate in the French Study Tour, an affiliation programme between Girls Grammar and Lycee SaintPaul in the city of hagou16me. The tour consisted of two weeks in ingou16me, where we attended school and went on various expeditions around the city, and one week sightseeing in Paris. Throughout the tour, the impulse to stand still and let the world simply wash over and around us was strong, but stronger was the excitement and the corrective wish to get to know as much as possible about this strange new world, in what increasingly felt itke too little time. Staying with an unfamiliar family was a common apprehension, as was the language barrier. White some of the tour group were studying French, just as many hadn't spoken or heard the language for nearly a year. in the end, however, this appeared not to matter, as a combination of two articulate languages and a third that involved wild miming and more than a little confusion enabled us to communicate at a satisfyingIy accurate level. in fact, 'it was a great surprise that our hosts spoke such amazing Enghsh! ' was a recurring statement among the students, albeit along with 'The six year old speaks 00 English, so we just use charades. ' While perhaps we didn't quite settle down or become accustomed to life in ingou16me in such a short time frame, I have noticed since getting back that it is not the tours we took or the places we visited that we miss the most, but the people we stayed with who were '... so nice and accommodating' and made us feel like part of their family. ' it is this, I think, that most clearly tsus of the fundamental element of this trip - the together ness of humanity that we experienced, and that perhaps can only be experienced when that humanity is shaken up and made to take notice of its more unfamiliar Bides. 'it's very different, but we're all stiU teenagers' really says it all. ^un Composers 011:Lb Composers Club offered the opportunity for girls to express their musical ideas and create their own original works of music during Friday lunchtimes. I found the experience incredibly enjoyable as I was able to spend more time composing than I usually would, guided by the fantastic ideas, encouragement and advice of Mr Pennay. a'eggLca Western LIB
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to O e" Latin arid. ,,. rLciezLt l!^is tory Shady ^our to Etaly December 8009 The 'Eternal City' was the natural starting point for the second Brisbane Girls Grammar School Latin and Ancient History Study Tour to Italy in December 2009. A group of nineteen students and two teachers explored ancient sites in Rome and OStia, toured the Vatican and early Christian catacombs. The next stop on the trip was the lovely town of Borer eato on the Bay of Naples. Excursions took the trave tiers to Pompeii, Heroulaneum, Naples and Paestum. Highlights included the archaeological treasures at the Museum of Naples, a descent into the subterranean world beneath Naples and the spectacularly well-preserved Greek temples at Paestun. A stay in Elopence, centre of the Italian Renaissance, home of Michelangelo's David and countless works of art, was the final destination. Shopping in the street markets was a favourite with everybody and the excursion to Pisa and Lucea provided a glimpse of the TUBoan countryside. The next study tour to Italy is planned for 2011. Mrs in B, yamt Bead of Latin
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