2010 School Magazine
Lauren Turner (11N)
Second Chance Committee members had a particularly 8000e8sfulValentlne s Day tai8ing close to $1000 in a single lunchtime by selling cakes, treats, bags and cards. in Term 11, committee members and clients from local homele8S Bervioe provider, Othila's Game together to work on a creative Peer Education Project. The purpose waB to build stronger links and awareness within the community. The project ouninnated in a celebratory ezrtiibition of the quilts made by students and members.
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in Term 111, Second Chance Committee members were invited to local women's homeless service provider Findari to gain better knowledge and understanding of the day to day realities faced by homeless women and the challenges and limitations faced by those who support them. We donated more than 180 blankets, most of which were new, to Findari and over $240 was raised for a new wall heater for their common room. The annual Swing into Spring event was another roaring success with seven students volunteering their time to sell raffle tickets to guests on the Inglit. The students managed to sell an impressive number of tickets and were wonderful ambassadors for Second Chance and their School.
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L-R: GabrieUe Ariese, Dr Dale Spender; co-founder of the Second Chance Program, Sally Wark
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As a new club within the School, we took part in several exciting activities. During the Club's fortnightly meetings interesting and relevant issues were discussed such as celebrity diplomacy, group discussions on the banning of the burqa and an environmental discussion led by Geography teacher Mr Wheatley, in response to the floods in Pakistan. in collaboration with the United Nations Youth Association, Ohioe Me Govern and ROBie Bantan in Year 11, had the opportunity to take part in the Queensland Slimmit in February where they met with students from around Queensland to discuss international issues and the United Nations. UNYA also hosted a Joint Cabinet Crisis to explore international relations and conflict negotiation. Grace Townsend and JO MacroiUian had the opportunity to participate in the Peacekeeper Memorial Ceremony in May, carrying flags in the march through Adelaide Street in Brisbane. Jo read a moving poem for the peacekeepers and Grace read the names of the countries where peacekeepers have served.
C^mitralifford present^'d a speech at the Make Poverty History Conference at the School in which local state members of government participated in a forum discussing the problems associated with poverty on an international and national level. Ten pin bowling on Open Day provided a wonderful opportunity for students to talk to the community about the United Nations and local issues. On October 19, the Club hosted the United Nations Association of Australia and Queensland Country Women's Association for the Queensland launch of 11N Women. This new branch of the United Nations focuses on issues directly related to women and is an initiative of the UN General Assembly. The evening was attended by important dignitaries associated with diplomacy and the United Nations.
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