2010 School Magazine
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in Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa. Guided by our mentors from the Oakbree Foundation, Emma Joiniston and Katherine Long, we raise money to support our partner school. Also, we use our relationship with our partner school to provide a context to understand the profound impacts of poverty throughout the developing world. in 8010, we raised just over $2000 through our Open Day lorry skewer stall and gold week. Gold week activities included a gold rush, bake stall, spider stall and an Are you Smarter than an 8th Grader presentation. Also, members of the group have been involved in Oaktree Foundation initiatives in the broader coininumty. in April, neomi Glover 01M) Vinen Shu alH), Hana limit1 (110), Blissa Moreombe <11W), Madeleine Van Grabam <10G), Hannali Proberts <10M) and Angenque Sweep (LIB) attended the Oaktree Schools4Sohools Conference. in October students Vanshika Sinn (11G), Angenque Sweep am), Vtvien Shu (1111) and Calmn arithrd <11L) participated in Race4Change - an Oakbree Foundation tintiative supporting educational projects in Papua New Guinea and South Africa to reduce global poverty. Founded in 2009, our group has around 40 members. Cainin in, "cad OIL>
OA^^:,^^,,,^^ The Oakbree Foundation recognises the potential of today's young people to achieve great things. Through their education projects, Oatree seeks to harness the capabilities of young people and erupower them to be the agents of meaningful change. The Oatree Foundation is a youth run aid and development organisation. it works in developing countries across Asia and Africa to provide an educational framework to end global poverty and engages specifically in projects which recognise and value the GapabUities of young people. Brisbane Girls Grammar School is part of the Oaktree Foundation's Schools4Sehools Program. We support projects operating at our partner school mallndela,
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Save the Children is an international charity organisation that was founded in 1919 in the United Kingdom. Save the Chitdren aims to ensure that all
The Save the Chitdren Club
is open to all children, regardless of gender, race, country of origin students and meets fortnightly. We have managed to and religious belief have the means for survival, receive raise much needed funds through bake sales, a hot protection and have access to nutrition, primary health chocolate stall, a lorry stall, setting badges and our very Gape and a basic education.
successful "Master chef" raffle that took place during Open Day. This money win go towards providing an enhanced educational environment and better health care for indigenous children.
This year, as part of a student-based initiative, a branch was started at Brisbane Girls Grammar School with all proceeds going to children in the Tiwi Islands.
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Brisbane Girls Grammar School
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