2010 School Magazine




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The history of Interact at Grammar is ruled with stories of amazing achievements. As part of the 40 year anniversary, a digital history of the club was produced. Interact supported Free to be Kids-a not-for-profit humanitarian aid organisation that works to rescue, shelter and set free elmdren who are facing extreme situations of abuse and exploitation. The bulk of our fundraising efforts supported this organisation, with the Wishing Tree Raffle, organised by Year 11, raising funds for the Frod Hollows Foundation which aims to eliminate blindness from the world. A 40th Anniversary Dinner was hosted in May with special guests-Rotary District Governor, Mr Wattsr BUGh&nan, interact District Committee Chairman, Mr Tino Babao, Rotorian Advisor to Girls Grammar, Mr Briar Thomas and Mr Paul Budson-both of Windsor Rotary Club-Principal, Dr Bell, interact past presidents, family, friends and interact members of 8010. The stories that we heard from the old girls, and the happy memories that they have, fined every current member of Interact with a sense of pride in their inclusion in this important club. Mr BUGhanan inspired the girls to constantly endeavour to be charitable and generous in both our spirits and our time and to continue our support of charity in our life after school. Ms Sapah-Jane St 01air, past president of Interact (1995) regaled 118 with stories of her time at Grammar, and the fundraisers that the girls hosted. A particularly moving part of the night was the presentation of two short movies from Free to be Kids' The second clip was filmed just a week before from

the Free to be Kids refugee centre in Calcutta and club members were touched to be personaly acknowledged in the footage. During interact Week we hosted a sausage sizzle, Spieks and Specks competition, a pancake and hot chocolate stall and a lob-achoo stall where we shared a 40th birthday cake with the School. Various other fundraising events were hosted throughout the year including an Baster Egg raffle, a smoothie stall, a rocky road stall, a film night at Southbarik Cineplex where we watched Tomorrow When the War Began and a number of bake stalls. At Open Day, Interact's stand featured a history display and a cookie staU. Representatives from the club attended a Windsor Rotary Club dinner in August where Shiney Beo was presented with an 'Entrepreneurial Endeavour' medal for her achievements in the unT competition and the Club was presented with a certificate of appreciation from the Windsor members. The support of all the club members in our endeavours has ensured a successful year top which we are extremely proud and thankful. We would also like to thank our club CO-OPdinators Ms Christopherson and Mrs West for their continulng support and enthusiasm. elmlietba Avenla Claw> President and Briar Bracey <1,800 Vice President

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