2008 School Magazine
The tennis squad enjoyed great success in the aGSSSA competition this year. Beginning early in Term 111 with the annual Intramural Tennis Tournament. Katie Lee (12H) claimed the Open title for the fifth consecutive year, while Jordan Hondow (8E), Is abel Scalia (9B) and Roxanne Jeavons (10G) claimed the Years 8,9, and 10 titles respectively Term 111 began with a team breakfast to build camaraderie among team mates for the weekly fixture matches. The season promised to be a victorious one, with every team only , having lost one match from eight toward the end of Term 111. The Open, Senior B and Year 8 divisions performed strongly and most successfully over the season. Thanks to all players for taking part in this year's tennis season and congratulations on such outstanding game-play. Thanks also must go to the coaches and to the tennis Co- ordinator, Dr P Jenkins, for helping to make it a memorable season A;4"^I^,' 17^^ 4^0 ^4"'in^' ^'^P^94"' 17^! ^4P^,\.@
The 2008 Touch season has been nothing less than exciting, exhilarating and most importantly, enjoyable. Touch has evolved to become a highly competitive sport, where in 2008, more than 100 girls played the sport. All players demonstrated motivation to train-which understandably lagged on the occasional early morning trainings-but nevertheless reflected in their performances during games on Friday afternoons. Collectively, Grammar girls scored a total of 231 tries with only 168 being scored against us demonstrating their persuasive defence. The tremendous enthusiasm shown throughout the season verifies that this School creates a wonderful environment for Touch Football. While we did not receive any premierships this year, all teams were placed in the top six. Both Year 8 teams had a successful introductory season of Touch at Girls Grammar with 8A placing fifth and 8B finishing second. The overall Touch results have proven that the girls have demonstrated great potential for the future and the sport is continuing to strengthen. As Touch Captains of 2008, we would like to acknowledge that the past five years of touch has given us the chance to create new friendships, not only with fellow team mates, but also with girls from other Years and schools. This has given us the satisfaction of experiencing the spirit and enthusiasm associated with all Girls Grammar sports. 4VM A^^' I^/ ^@ ^ ^W^7 ^'81
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