2007 School Magazine

It’s Showtime

It’s Showtime

Drama Club

This year, members of the Drama Club have reached for the stars and realised their dreams. The drama year started in Term I with many new Year 8 students. They spent the term getting to know Drama Club before the veterans rejoined the group to perform in the first production of the year, Arabian Nights – About a Girl. The production featured a large Year 8 cast with linking scenes performed and directed by older members of the group. Our interpretation of this timeless story was written by one of the captains, Eleanor Todd (12H). The creative talent of the Club became clear as an original play emerged from the woodwork. POP, written by Kathryn Talbot (11M) was the second production of the year

and by now the Year 8 students were fully integrated into the Club and eager to take up roles. This play was a great success as it explored the lives of people in the future while keeping it in a familiar school environment. Drama Club is very inclusive and girls have a great deal of freedom in choosing their roles, be it as a director, an actor or even part of the technical crew. For many of us, the best thing about Drama Club is that it provides students with the opportunity to work with a wide range of performers. Ideas of age, year and experience are abandoned as Drama Club presents a wonderfully creative and relaxed environment.


wildcard group, Team Ninja, who advanced far into the competition. Thank you to all participants for making 2007 the best year yet! Kathryn Talbot (11M)

Magic Moments in Theatresports

Theatresports 2007 has been a fantastic season for all involved. Every Tuesday lunchtime, our loyal members met in the new Creative Learning Centre with our coach and former student, Elizabeth Talbot (2005). Theatresports is a high energy form of theatre that requires total improvisation by the actors. Each team plays four games, which increase in time from one to four minutes. Each performance is awarded a mark out of five by the judges. All Brisbane Girls Grammar

One of the highlights of the year, other than our two productions, was the opening of The Cherrell Hirst Creative Learning Centre. It has provided new and versatile rehearsal spaces. Overall, 2007 has been a great success and everyone has learned much and has had a fantastic time.

School teams performed exceptionally well,

creating many magic moments with their infectious enthusiasm. Special congratulations must go to our talented

Samantha Yarde (12L) and Eleanor Todd (12H) Co-Captains

XLD3 (Excellence in Drama) – A Water Story

Combined Senior Production – Summer of the Aliens


create a new production, A Water Story. The performance was placed in a professional theatre equipped with state of the art facilities and was led by renowned practitioners. The

using our creativity, imagination and the very valuable help of Mrs Pattemore. The respect and support shared by the students made every process in the production truly memorable. While working with people our age was fun and interesting, it was amazing to have the opportunity to learn from professionals such as actors, directors, set designers and lighting engineers who work in the industry. All fourteen of this School’s performers finished the production feeling inspired and motivated to continue their exciting exploration of theatre. Emma Annand (11R) and Valentine DuBois (11O)

This year’s joint Senior Grammars production was Summer of the Aliens — a play which actually had very little to do with UFOs and everything to do with love and life. the Cuban missile crisis. That is, everyone except Lewis, an awkward 15 year old boy growing up in a Melbourne housing commission suburb, who is too busy stumbling his way through teenhood. He is preoccupied by flying saucers, much to the disgust of his best friend Dulcie who struggles daily with family life and who wants Lewis to notice her. His other friend, Brian, is pre- occupied with his emotionally charged adolescence. The play is set in 1962 and the world is worried about

Throughout the production process, each cast member explored the depth of their characters and polished what was to become a crisp and powerful performance. Many thanks must go to Mr Pattison of Brisbane Grammar School who not only directed the play but also nurtured and created a highly cohesive cast and crew who gladly pushed themselves to the limit and who came out the other end smiling, if at times, somewhat tiredly. The Production was an overwhelming success with near to sold-out crowds all crying, laughing, and sitting on the edge of their seats during the three

aim of the production was to showcase the skills of young, developing student-actors.

The creative journey was a hard and demanding one. It was made possible, however, by students setting goals and working together to create a strong and united group. The outcome of two months of rehearsals paid off as we performed our original and emotive movement piece with focus, energy and synchronization. We effectively transformed our stimulus, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, into a sequence of movements and sounds

XLD3 was a unique and exciting performance project sponsored by Drama Queensland and the Queensland University of Technology. The participants from Years 10 and 11 were presented with an opportunity to collaborate with different schools from various areas of Queensland to

night run of the play. Sarida McLeod (12L)

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