2007 School Magazine
It’s Showtime
It’s Showtime
What A Hit!
This year’s Senior Production of Medea introduced the cast to a new and different creative process. The Greek tragedy, Medea was written in 431 BC by Euripides and tells the story of Medea, Princess of Colchis, who is betrayed by her husband when he leaves her and their children to marry the princess of Corinth. The play follows the power struggle between them as Medea despairs over her loss and plots her revenge which climaxes with the murder of her own children. One actor from Brisbane Grammar School, along with a large group of Year 11 and 12 students, worked intensively with Zen Zen Zo Physical Theatre Company over a thirteen week period to create a powerful interpretation of this timeless play. Zen Zen Zo is a world renowned
Massed Choir number of “There’s No Business Like Show Business”, the audience couldn’t resist tapping their feet and humming along to the lineup of hits from the stage. Sadly for the Year 12s, the Gala drew to a close, but not without the traditional shower of confetti and streamers. This year, packed with new and challenging music, enthusiastic and talented girls inspired by the brand new facilities in The Cherrell Hirst Creative Learning Centre, has been one of the best yet! The talented girls from Girls Grammar never cease to amaze!
This year we saw many newcomers to the band programme at Brisbane Girls Grammar School. At the start of the year many excited and nervous Years 8s auditioned for a place in one of our school concert bands and were placed in the Concert Band, Chamber Winds and Wind
physical theatre company which aims to challenge audience perception of theatre and the world in which we live. The company’s training is inspired by Japanese theatre and adopts four distinct methods; Suzuki, Viewpoints, Butoh and the crowd favorite, Core Fitness, all of which aims to create emotion through physicality and to heighten body and ensemble awareness. These collaborative techniques gave the students a chance to experience a unique style of acting. As a result, this production of Medea was staged with a twist, that is, cabaret style with the use of a a double bill — David Campton’s Us and Them and Alan Ayckbourn’s Mr A’s Amazing Maze Plays . The two plays were completely different in style, giving the participants a chance to flex their creative talents. Us and Them is a more serious play (although not without its quirky
chorus and an MC as accessible narrators for a more modern audience. These colourful characters worked within the main story line to contrast the dark and deadly mood of the play. All cast members found this intensive process rather exhausting, however the blood, sweat and tears were well worth it;
Symphony. The Year 12s started the year by being both excited and sad about participating in their last year of Grammar music.
the final piece demonstrated passion, emotion and fervor. Avi Kaye (11E) and Grace Cowderoy (11E)
The year began with an eventful Music Camp, filled with great food, games, movies, lollies and of course, lots and lots of rehearsals. The camp ended with a great concert, including a performance by the Symphonic Winds that all families and friends enjoyed. This year many students played in fortnightly lunchtime Chamber Music concerts in the library. These were terrific for providing an enjoyable atmosphere for students studying and also giving the music students another performance opportunity. The Concert Band, Chamber Winds and Wind Symphony also performed a week of lunchtime concerts in Term III with great titles like “Muppets in Lycra” and “Music from the Movies”. No concert throughout the year could top the Gala Concert, “On with the Show”, in Term IV. What a fabulous event! With the choral programme augmented by the Community Choir, and performances from all our senior ensembles, the concert was once again a hit with the School community. From the opening Big Band and
Junior Drama Production Combines Two in One
when the Ekka fireworks coincided with the end of the play. The other production was Mr A’s Amazing Maze Plays , a comic play about Suzy and her loyal dog Neville and their adventures when Mr Constantine Accousticus moves into the mansion opposite their modest cottage. The play, as well as being an audience-led “choose-your-own adventure,” included an ex-opera singer who had lost his voice, two know-it-all narrators, an evil villainous voice stealer and many random and unusual sounds. The performances took place in the second week of August and we finally saw our hard work come to fruition. Overall, both plays were equally successful owing to the wonderful direction of Ms McFadden and the commitment by the actors to both their roles and their play. Isabella Maugeri (10E)
The events could not have been a success without the encouraging parents, the wonderful assistance from the Music Support Group, our hard-working music staff and most importantly the very talented students! I would like to thank every one of you for making my year as Band Captain, and my entire last year at Brisbane Girls Grammar School, the best of five! Jocelyn Merritt (12O) Band Captain
lines) about two parties and their construction of a wall as a means of dividing land. Each party becomes paranoid about what the
When auditions began for the 2007 Junior Production, Years 9 and 10 drama lovers turned up ready to give anything a go. When our Director, Ms McFadden spoke about the auditions, we were all wondering, “what was the play?” Then came the surprise, we had a choice. The 2007 Junior Production would take form of
other party is doing on the other side of the wall and in the end both parties snap and the wall comes crashing down. This play took place on the third level of The Cherrell Hirst Creative Learning Centre and the open setting brought both the CLC and the play to life including a memorable moment
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