2007 School Magazine

Calligraphy Club The Calligraphy Club is a well- established club that was formed at Girls Grammar in 2000. Calligraphy is the intricate art of writing characters with precision and beauty. For students at Girls Grammar, this means that we have to practise and hone our skills. You don’t have to understand or study Japanese or Chinese to participate, and this brings many students from Brisbane Girls Grammar School and Brisbane Grammar School together. Calligraphy Club is conducted once a week on the Visual Art level of the Creative Learning Centre. It is conducted by a professional calligrapher and ninth dan judge, Kojima Sensei, and his wife Fumiko. Mr and Mrs Kojima’s positive approach and enthusiasm for their art drive students to continue to participate in calligraphy classes week after week. Creating It

Creating It

Here are some comments from


other club members:

In 2007 the Anime Club emerged in full force into the Grammar Community. With the strength of the Committee, consisting of Karen Leung (12B), Lauren Hurcum (12W), Karmen Torralba (11G), Lisa Aitchison (11B) and Sabina Myers (11M) and with the help of Miss Prater, the Anime Club soon became very popular within the School. The aim of the Club was to both educate and inform; while participating in a favourable pastime — watching and reviewing anime! Consisting of students from all Year levels, the Club met twice a week — once for a screening of the Anime voted in by students and a second session involved discussions of

Communications and Community Relations Department to prepare ourselves and break the tasks down so that each member was able to specialise in certain areas, such at journalism, photography, design elements and video footage for the accompanying DVD. We wanted to ensure that whilst meeting the challenges in creating the magazine we compiled an accurate overview of the year at Girls Grammar. The team held regular meetings to discuss various elements of the publication. All members organised themselves admirably, “Calligraphy Club is a relaxing way to simply sit down and create beautiful works of art. Each word has its own significant meaning and the manner in which each character is formed is unique and beautiful.” “Calligraphy Club is relaxing and helps you de-stress, especially during exam time. Sensei is very helpful because he practises the brush strokes with you.” “Calligraphy is awesome… it’s a great club which anyone can join. What’s great about it is the fact that you can join without knowing anything (about Calligraphy) and make lots of new friends. Even the teacher is cool. By far the best thing I’ve done at Grammar.” Publications Team

“Calligraphy Club has been quite exciting this year. I’ve progressed with my brush skills, and have more control over my hand now to make firmer, more precise strokes. The teachers have always helped me whenever I needed them, and I was proud of myself when I completed something that actually looked good.” Olivia Lam (12M) and

either the anime or another element of Japanese culture. On Open Day the Committee created and sold lucky star bracelets resulting in a great response from the Grammar Community. We also held the first annual Step- Mania Competition, based on a commonly played arcade game that has recently converted to a virtual form with Anime music. The competition was a great success with participation coming from the

whole school and not just members of the Club. The leadership of the selected Committee has proven to be successful; creating a strong foundation for a great Anime Club to continue into the future at the School. Thank you to Miss Prater for her continuing support and the Club looks forward to her continued involvement in the future. Karen Leung (12B) and Lauren Hurcum (12W)

Karen Leung (12L) Club Leaders

Multimedia Club

arranging representatives to attend as many School events as possible. The added dimension of the DVD as well as a magazine was further developed this year after its launch in 2006, which allowed the girls to explore wider opportunities that afforded for greater input and design variety. Thanks to all members of the team for their dedicated efforts and wonderful contributions and also to the Communications and Community Relations Department for their valuable assistance. Lauren Hurcum (12W) Captain

Animation section and Lauren Hurcum (12W) achieved a highly commended fifth place in the Open Web Design section. In the Open Graphic Design section, the team of Ekta Paw (11G) and Claire Stevenson (11L) also achieved a highly commended fifth place. We would like to thank Mr Thomas, Mr Skillen and all of the other teachers who assisted to make this year a valuable and fun learning experience. Lauren Hurcum (12W)

Creative design, animation and video manipulation were the main areas that the Multimedia Club focused on this year. Early projects included designing digital media for printing onto T-Shirts and as the year progressed members explored different programs particularly in the area of video manipulation and animation. The girls really enjoyed delving into new programs, such as Adobe After Effects and Premier Pro, that were introduced to the School at the end of last year. The Club provided members the opportunity to

personally develop their experiences in multimedia — to challenge their imagination and creatively integrate sound, images and text for interactive media. Members were also encouraged to enter competitions such as the annual Australian Secondary Schools Digital Design Challenge. A number of girls participated and displayed a high level of innovation and technical skills in what is an internationally recognised event. Sherlyn Hii (12W) achieved an outstanding first place in the Open

Being part of the Publications Committee, a rather unique co- curricular activity at the School, provides girls with the opportunity to be directly involved in contributing and organising the School Magazine. Although at first a rather daunting task, the team worked closely with the School’s

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