2007 School Magazine

O’Connor – cohesive, spirited and supportive!


support for our charity. Our brownies and ice-cream stall proved to be a great success thanks to our hardworking and entrepreneurial Year 11s. The Year 12s can not be forgotten. Without their support and encouragement, this year would have not seen the success we hoped for, and the memories and laughter we will also treasure. Thanks must also go to Ms Dare who let us have free reign over the House Assemblies and gave us an endless supply of support no matter how crazy our ideas were. As the end of the year approaches we can happily look back on our successes as a House and know that this year each girl got involved, did her best, and most importantly had fun. So to O’Connor House, thank you for giving us an unforgettable year, your constant enthusiasm and House spirit has really helped us to make O’Connor bigger, better and more maroon then ever.

This year got off to a great start with our annual House Party which proved a great way for the Year 8s – proving to be an enthusiastic and energetic bunch — to meet and mingle with their fellow House mates. In supporting the Head Girls’ theme for the year, we have tried to “Create the Bonds” between the Year levels at each House Assembly. Activities ranging from quizzes to the ‘chocolate game’ have seen girls stretch beyond the comfort zone of their House groups allowing them to bond with girls in different Years. Through this, O’Connor has a more cohesive, spirited, and supportive House that has helped us to achieve great results this year. Due to increased House spirit and participation, the year commenced with us swimming our way to first place at the swimming carnival. Cross country also proved to be an enjoyable event with O’Connor’s mascot Otis the Octopus also completing the course proving that Octopuses really can run. Our running ability also saw us achieve great results at the Athletics Carnival. O’Connor has out done itself continuously in these sporting events in the form of deafening war cries and atrocious combinations of maroon. If House spirit is anything to go by, then this year O’Connor has really shown its true potential. The ultimate measure of success however was in the form of several thousand dollars raised for the East Timor Scholarship Fund. One of our main aims of this year was to do as much as we could for the community. To reach this goal, each term O’Connor came up with many exciting and new ways to maximize this potential by hosting several fundraising activities. On Open Day the girls gave their generous

There are eight tentacles Swimming in the ocean,

Eight tentacles making a commotion Who could belong to so many feet? The octopus does and they help him eat.


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He has eight tentacles Swimming in the ocean, Swim, Swim, Swim.

Who wouldn’t want to show their animal spirits as much as an octopus wearing the true maroon colours? “I know I love to! O’Connor is the best!” Elise Perrett (11O) “The best part of the year was Interhouse Athletics and eating all the jelly beans.” Ines Schumann (8O) Rachel Callan and Maria Ermides HOUSE CAPTAINS


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