2007 School Magazine
MACKAY News traditions create new bonds and the angels sparkle and shine in all aspects!
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Charity. Lunchtime food drives throughout the year and, in particular, the mammoth effort by the Year 12 toffee stall significantly increased our fund for the Cerebal Palsy League.
2007 has emerged as a year for new traditions in Mackay House. With the support from our Head of House, Mrs Cohen, and an enthusiastic and talented group of Mackay angels, this year has witnessed a spectacle of Mackay spirit and achievement. Mackay spirit soared to sky-high levels at this year’s House Party. The creative skills of all Mackay angels were revealed during our cake decorating competition. The egg and spoon races, giant pass-the-parcel, and fantastic eating skills of our angels were a glimpse of future athleticism and character to follow. Mackay athletes flew to new heights on the track and in the pool. Interhouse Cross Country, Swimming and Athletics were strongly supported and the exceptional results obtained were undoubtedly spurred along by our roaring war cries and camaraderie.
The bonds between Mackay girls have outshone the achievements of the house, continuing to strengthen and grow. Our expectations for the year have been more than fulfilled in all fields, whether it has been in the sporting, arts or community arena. Mackay has not been impeded by being the newest of all the houses. Rather, its supportive and talented angels continue to excel in every aspect of school life. We wish to sincerely thank Mrs Cohen, Mr Bland, Mrs Vize, Ms Perz, Miss Browne, and Mrs Pattemore for their guidance and support. The Year 12s have significantly influenced the direction and growth of Mackay over the last five years. We thank them and wish our departing angels the very best of luck in the years to come. To the continuing Mackay angels — good luck for the future and as our School songs says… “Dare to let your dreams take wing and soar.” Laura Clifton-Jones and Hayley Logan HOUSE CAPTAINS
The Year 11s reinvented Open Day, with heavenly fairy cakes and ethereal face painting from which the profits were generously donated to our House
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