2007 School Magazine
A Year of courage, commitment and fun!
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Copious amounts of yellow filled the grand stands as 2007 proved to be yet another year of sporting and cultural success for Woolcock. As well as this, Woolcock focused on service by raising money for our chosen charities. In an inspirational display of commitment, Rebecca Conrick (10W), led the way by courageously shaving her head in support of Leukaemia research and making us all jealous of how good she looked with short hair. Following the initiative of the Year 12s of 2006, the House continued sponsoring our World Vision Child, Nobalise, an 11 year old South African girl.
C a p t a i n
World Vision was not the only charity we sponsored this year. Leaving hot chocolate behind, we sold corn on the cob at Open Day and during the following week as a healthy option. The emerging bakers of Years 8 and 9 displayed their developing culinary skills by holding an enormously successful bake day. Both of these fundraisers were in support of the Royal Children’s Hospital. In addition to this, each House Group donated general household items in support of Second Chance’s Zig Zag programme – a programme which aids homeless women our own age. This year we learnt that we get as much out of participating in service activities as we put into them. In the words of Gandhi “the fragrance always remains on the hand that gives the rose.” Mahia Lai Koun Sing and Antonia Morris HOUSE CAPTAINS
The smiling faces of every Woolcock girl helped sell raffle tickets so that we could continue this commitment. It was particularly gratifying to note that since our sponsorship began, Nobalise has started school.
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