2007 School Magazine


Outdoor Education Centre

in the mud and exploring the banks provided much entertainment. While the hills presented stimulus for girls to support each other and personally challenge themselves to ride to the top. The encouragement and humour certainly made their time memorable. Two different journeys were offered to Year 10s ā€” the Noosa River Journey or Brooyar Bike Journey. Personal goals were determined for the journey ahead by making bracelets thus providing focus and a reminder for the week. At the Noosa River the girls appreciated the variety offered by walking and paddling. They experienced the contrast between paddling the shallow and often windy, lake and the calm reflective waters of the river, while also getting the opportunity to explore the different environments around the river. Views from the sand patch afforded a great overall perspective of the journey and all their efforts before facing further challenges on the high ropes. On the Brooyar Bike Journey, abseiling set the tone of

Girls have eagerly faced the various challenges of their Outdoor Education programmes at Marrapatta. The Year 8sā€™ time at Marrapatta was an important social event. The Connections programme encouraged them to work together and get to know other people in friendships. Despite being away from everyday technologies like phones, iPods and internet the girls quickly found new things to capture their interest. This might their House group and undoubtedly developed


have been racing canoes, creating golden jaffles, giggling in

tents or cracking macadamias. One of the highlights was the Team Challenge Day, which provided the opportunity to connect with group members while navigating around Marrapatta and solving problems along the way. The Year 9 Interdependence programme involved two nights under the stars having paddled and ridden during the day. Despite the low dam level; canoeing through the Sunken Forest, playing

the challenges for the week. Support from the group encouraged girls to personally extend themselves to complete their ride which was three mountain passes away. Mr James McIntosh Director


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