2007 School Magazine

Social & Environmental Studies “Real-World” Learning Experiences

through to development economics. Congratulations are extended to Sarida Mcleod (12L) and Claire Robinson (12W) for winning first and second prize in the annual Queensland Economics Teachers Association inquiry- based essay competition. The History Department was also busy during the year catering for the co-curricular needs of its students. Elizabeth Lavarch (11M) attended the YMCA Youth Parliament, Eleanor Todd (12H) and Laura Fenlon (12O) attended the AISQ Constitutional Convention held at Queensland’s Parliament House. A number of students, Caitlin Schimpf (10R), Jessica Peterson (10B), Lucy Lee (10G), Genevieve Kennedy (10E), Sarida McLeod (12L), Ekta Paw (11G), Avi Kaye (11E), Elspeth McConaghy (11L), Emily Sneath (12O), Kathryn Talbot (11M), Rebecca Conrick (10W), Lucy Wark (10M) and Sabina Myers (11M), attended the UNYA Queensland Schools Hammarskjöld Trophy Security Council Competition. Lucy Fry (10H) and Suzanne Scott (10O) attended the United Nations Association of Queensland State Youth Conference. In the classroom context, our Year 12 Modern History Students were very fortunate to have Mr Ben Groom (United Nations Youth Representative for Australia, 2007) speak to them about the United Nations – past and present. As always, students involved in the suite of Social and Environmental Studies subjects have been exposed to a vast array of activities that act as a way of enriching the traditional environment of the classroom. Mr Bruce Addison Director

The Year 9 students again benefited from the utilisation of state of the art

GIS software during their unit on

Natural Hazards.

Given the degree of religious intolerance that can be seen in so many corners of the world today, it was fitting that our Year 11 Study of Religion students visited the Masjid Al Farooq Mosque and the Chung Tian Buddhist Temple. All of the students were required to wear the Hijab when visiting the Mosque which was only fitting when visiting a sacred site of our Muslim friends. Year 11 Economics students participated in the Young Achievers Australia

2007 has again been a hectic yet rewarding year for all students. While the classroom remains the most important conduit for learning, once again the Faculty provided an array of opportunities outside the constraints of the formal classroom setting.

studied the causes of food shortages and impacts of food availability in different parts of the World. After contributing a token amount of money for the lunch, they were looking forward to a sumptuous meal only to discover that it consisted of weak broth, plain rice and water. This activity was a very practical way of concluding the unit as they had no choice than to experience the everyday diet of parts of the world’s population. The students were also very fortunate to have the opportunity of listening to Stephanie Carter (12E) talk about her role as student ambassador in 2007 representing Queensland for World Vision.

Business Mentoring Programme. Mentors from Suncorp- Metway

The Year 11

Geography students visited

volunteered to assist the

joint team from both Brisbane

Marrapatta to gain a practical insight into

Girls Grammar School and Brisbane Grammar School. The team’s syndicate Schoolyard Industries designed and manufactured an attractive and practical magnetic fridge note book that proved to be very popular at the Trade Fair held at the Logan Hyperdome. The Year 12 Economics students visited the Queensland Economics Teachers’ Open Day for school students at the University of Queensland. A vast array of guest speakers presented topics ranging from macro economic forecasting

the unit, Managing your Natural Resources. This year the activity was more relevant than usual because of the upset in the local community over the proposed Traveston Crossing Dam. The students were able to see first hand how water shortages in Brisbane have the potential to impact on people who live outside the dry south east corner of the state. The Year 11 students enjoyed a luncheon as part of their studies on Feeding the World’s Population – a unit in which they

Our Year 10 Geography students joined many other Year 10 students from across the State on a visit to the University of Queensland. The students listened to a variety of guest speakers

talk about a range of geographical issues.

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