2007 School Magazine
Delving into Biotechnology
Biotechnology is the use of organisms, parts of organisms, or their products for experimental purposes. Our Biology course has a significant biotechnology component, focusing mainly on the techniques, applications and issues associated with recombinant DNA technology. Year 12 Biology students completed an extended experimental investigation using sophisticated experimental procedures. Gabrielle Mahoney (12B) writes of her experiences in Biotechnology in the article below.
The Biofutures Forum was an exciting opportunity for students to explore the diverse areas of biotechnology and biomedical science. In the June/July holidays we joined sixty other students from Queensland and New Zealand for a week full of practical experiences, amazing lectures and excursions, including the Malaria Institute and the Princess Alexandra Hospital. We experienced university life, staying in colleges at the University of Queensland, as well as visiting the
QUT Gardens Point, and the Nathan and Gold Coast Griffith campuses. We had
access to a wide range of facilities at each university,
including practicals and met plenty of students with similar interests. It
was a very enjoyable and worthwhile experience. Jane Sawyer (11E) and Tess Evans (11W)
Biotechnology is an incredibly exciting and ever-changing branch of science today. It is the application of biology in the real world, by the specific manipulation of living organisms, especially at the genetic level, to produce potentially beneficial products. It combines disciplines like genetics, molecular biology, biochemistry, embryology and cell biology,
utilising procedures involving the application of recombinant DNA technology. For example, one preliminary investigation focused on DNA restriction analysis, a protocol which is widely accepted as one of the basic tools of molecular biology. λ -bacteriophage DNA was extracted and cut into fragments using restriction enzymes which were then separated through gel electrophoresis. Another investigation focused on the very popular topic of genetic transformation. This is a form of biotechnology used to engineer genetically modified organisms through the combination of DNA from two or more sources. The experiment allowed
students to transform Escherichia coli bacteria cells through the insertion of a gene obtained from a bioluminescent jellyfish making them glow fluorescent under UV light. Biotechnology is used in a wide range of applications in food science, medicine, the environment and agriculture and research is rapidly expanding the possibilities of where it will be used next. Many of these applications are studied in the Senior school biology work programme, including areas such as genetically
which are in turn
In the July holidays, two Grammar girls were lucky enough to be selected to be part of the Australian IYPT team that went to the twentieth International Young Physicists’ Tournament in Seoul, Korea. Antonia Morris (12W), Kathryn Zealand (11R), Tom Milburn from Brisbane Grammar School, Christopher Bentley and Mitchell Stevens from All Saints Anglican School, challenged twenty other countries in a number of ‘physics fights’ and won the world championship title.
Our hard work in preparing solutions to seventeen open- ended physics research investigation problems, then presenting and discussing the possible shortcomings of our research paid off. All of the team members had a chance to present or discuss a problem, and our teamwork was a crucial factor which helped us to win the Final. Australia has a strong history in this tournament, finishing with a second and two fourth places in
recent years, however this was not only the first win for Australia, but it was the first time any English speaking country had won. We had a lot of fun, made some great friends, learnt a lot about Korean culture, taught other countries how to sing annoying
linked to practical disciplines like chemical
modified organisms, selective breeding of organisms, transgenic organisms and crop modifications. Gabrielle Mahoney (12B)
information technology, and robotics. Each year, the Year 12 Biology students undertake a series of mini investigations
bus songs, and spread our ‘unique’ sense of humour.
It was a great honour to represent Australia so successfully. Kathryn Zealand (11R)
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