2007 School Magazine



A first year Queensland University of Technology Accounting Course was available to Year 12 students to study again this year. With such good reports last year seven Grammar girls, Sarah Brandon (12L), Sally Carter (12R), Courtney McMah (12O), Rachael Palmer (12H), Kathleen Smith (12R), Kelsie Smith (12M) and Sarah Wilson (12B) snapped up the opportunity to get involved. We experienced a taste of the “uni lifestyle” by attending lectures, completing tutorials and even

completing the exams and different forms of assessment at the University campus. We got together every month during lunch to look over the tasks to be completed and also for pizza! All classes and work had to be done outside of normal class time, however it wasn’t ever a large burden as the work was similar to Senior accounting at School. It has been a great experience, to be able to slowly integrate into university life at the same time as completing Year 12.

A large number of Years 8, 9 and 10 students registered for the annual nationwide Maths Challenge. The event provided a great opportunity for students to MATHS CHALLENGE FOR YOUNG AUSTRALIANS

Embracing Maths


Year 12 students with their QUT lecturer Ms Ros Kent (centre)

Thirty Girls Grammar students competed in the annual Mathematics Teams Challenge against other schools across the State. The competition involved two parts — the Team Challenge and the Relay Challenge where team members compete against the clock to answer as many questions as they can. This year, fifty schools participated and Girls Grammar entered six teams — two Year 8 teams, two Years 9 and 10 teams and two Senior teams. One of the Senior teams, comprising of Kathryn Zealand (11R), Georgina Roberts (11L), Jemima Connolly (12M), Julia

Just to have had the experience of sitting exams in a university was a worthwhile experience. It is re- assuring to know that when we begin university study next year, we have already completed one subject! Kathleen Smith (12R)

engage in some really interesting, exciting and challenging problem solving activities. Students attempted to answer six questions over a three week period across April and May. The great advantage of participating in the Challenge is that students are introduced to mathematical concepts and processes that are often outside the “regular” day-to-day classroom syllabus yet which can be extremely valuable sources of knowledge and procedures in a range

Wills (12M) and Claire Robinson (12W) achieved a very commendable third place.


But the crowning glory was the outstanding win by our Junior team comprising Ruby Ramachandran (8W), Eliza Weder (8G), Cody Allen (8E), Laura Burr (8M) and Sally Wark (8M). This is the first time the School has had a winning Year 8 team and these girls are to be congratulated on their outstanding team effort.

Years 11 and 12 Accounting students attended an evening seminar held at Ernst & Young’s Eagle Street offices where young Ernst & Young staff presented on ‘a day in the life of a young accountant’. Courtney McMah (12O), Catherine Heales (12W), Sarah Wilson (12B), Claire Veritz (12O), Sally Carter

listened to senior consultants, consultants, trainees and recent graduates from Transaction Advisory Services, Tax, and Strategic Growth Markets highlight the range of careers at Ernst & Young both nationally and internationally. It was eye-opening to see the life of a working accountant in a lavish modern-day corporate office in Brisbane’s inner city. Courtney McMah (12O) and Catherine Heales (12W)

of applications. All students will receive an official certificate for their efforts,

with special recognition to girls achieving at the level of Credit, Distinction and High Distinction.


(12R), Lani Bajracharya (12B), Rhiannon Star- Thomas (12E) and Aishlin Greig (11B)

The Year 12 Mathematics C cohort embarked on their

analysis formed the basis for their Alternative Assessment item in Semester 2. It is indeed rewarding to see the spark of insight in the eyes of the students when they recognise that the huge forces controlling the rides are mathematically predictable and controlled by engineering design. The students witnessed a concert of Mathematics and Physics and the fact that the ‘excitement factor’ experienced is related to acceptable ‘probabilistically determined’ outcomes makes the day a real-world experience that can be related to the many facets of their lives.

excursion to Dreamworld this year armed with knowledge and skills but unsure of how they would use them. Their target was to deconstruct the all embracing mathematical platform that underpins the development of rides. Our students used calculator based laboratory sensors jackets, which housed their graphics calculators to pick up and record data relating to acceleration along three mutually perpendicular axes as well as atmospheric pressure variations. This data was then downloaded to laptops and transported back to Brisbane for further analysis. The resulting


University of Queensland’s Engaging Business Conference 2007 once again lived up to expectations as a good introduction to University life (albeit one day!) and gave nine Accounting students an interesting and worthwhile experience. As guests of the UQ Business School the students lived the life of

university students and experienced lectures, problem solving and competitions with other students. With all the competitions and concentration, re-fuelling was necessary and a pizza lunch was most appreciated giving the students a chance to refresh, mingle and to look over the University’s facilities at

Ipswich. Overall it was an enriching and positive experience for the Girls Grammar “EB Team” — Sally Carter (12R), Connie Huang (12W), Kathleen Smith (12R), Claire Vieritz (12O), Sarah Wilson (12B), Catherine Heales (12W), Everleigh Gee (12R) and Lisa Marshall (12M).

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