2007 School Magazine
Health Studies
Your Life, Your Health, Your Future
At the beginning of this year, the Health, Physical Education and Sport Faculty underwent a name change. The Faculty’s new nomenclature is Health Studies. In all, three subjects come under the umbrella
Students this year participated in a wide range of activities, both theoretical and performance
based. Whether learning about Nutrition in Year 8, being Party Safe and First Aid conscious in Years 9 and 10, developing Leadership skills in Year 11, participating in new sports such as Golf, Sport Aerobics, Rock Climbing and Lifesaving
One of the more important events on the Health Studies Faculty calendar for Year 8 students is the annual Jump Rope for Heart activity day. According to the Heart Foundation, heart disease claims the life of more than one Australian woman every hour and kills more then four times as many Australian women as breast cancer. Girls Grammar has been a conscientious supporter of the Foundation and its Jump Rope for Heart Day for more than fifteen years. This year the activity day was held on 15 June coinciding
with a new national initiative designed to raise vital funds for research and education into women and heart
of Health Studies: Health Science and
disease – Go Red for Women Day. All of Year 8, representing their Houses in a sea of colour, skipped, danced and participated in other physical activities designed to promote cardio- vascular fitness. As Happy Heart (the Foundation mascot) cheered them on, more than $7000 was raised for the Heart Foundation.
Movement Studies is a core subject for students
or developing a pre-tertiary understanding of Exercise Science, Biomechanics and Sport Sociology in Senior Physical Education, Grammar girls have a better understanding of health issues as a result of their studies. Ms Gwynfa Johnston Director
in Years 8 to 10; Health and Movement Studies is mandatory for Year 11 students and at the end of Year 10, students may elect to study Physical Education as a senior, QSA subject that will contribute to their OP and subsequent tertiary entrance. Even though these subjects have different foci, they are linked by a common thread; they seek to educate students in, about and through physical activity so that they are empowered to make intelligent decisions about their health and well-being.
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