2007 School Magazine
Technology Studies
During Term II, Year 9 Computers and Information Processing classes designed and
program was easy to use and there were unexpected and undiscovered effects that made experimentation exciting. The challenge was to choose one of the dynamic effects and to use it to create a striking design. The task really increased my knowledge of the features of the program and, in the future, I will definitely use it in other design work. Helena Obermair (9G)
created covers for magazines with a
technology focus. Using Adobe Photoshop, we experimented with a range of possibilities and produced a cover that we felt would appeal to the market. It was very enjoyable because the
Girls Grammar students develop real products for real clients. Thus they need to recognise the possibilities presented by new delivery modes. Portable technologies provide innovative
and exciting ways to make learning more accessible and appropriate. New generations of technologies with increased multimedia capabilities mean that Information Technology Systems students can now produce video, interactive
games and learning objects designed for use on mobile phones, iPods and iPAQs.
When Year 9 Innovative Design students were given the brief to design and construct a scale model of a bus shelter it proved to be an interesting new topic. We had to address issues such as community and architecture while maintaining the exciting, youthful culture of the Roma Street Parklands. We learned about spatial design, urban architecture seating, inclement weather, sustainability, the existing
and sustainability in our community. Working in pairs students had to create a design and draw the concept to scale. After landscaping our bus stop, we put our designs into Computer Aided Design software that allowed the design to be
highly topical design brief. Each student undertook a specified challenge, within a time limit of three hours, typical of a real project in the design industry. Students were judged on how they articulated and communicated their ideas based upon industry expectations and requirements. The International Digital Design Challenge recognised more than just the amazing design achievements of students. The high level of technological competency displayed by entrant schools clearly demonstrated the strong presence of ICTs as part of the current curriculum.
Every year Griffith University hosts an International Digital Design Challenge for students. This year over 140 schools competed and Brisbane Girls Grammar was awarded sixth place overall. Lauren Hurcum (12W), achieved a highly commended fifth place in Open Web Design; the team of Ekta Paw (11G) and Claire Stevenson (11L) also achieved a highly commended fifth place in Open Graphic Design, and in
Open Animation Sherlyn Hii (12W) achieved first place.
The competition tests students’ knowledge of specialist computer design skills within a specified time frame using advanced industry software. Students are asked to develop web design, 3D architecture and animation designed around a set theme. The Grammar girls competed in junior and senior categories of animation, graphic and web page design. The theme was water conservation, a pertinent and
created in a 3D digital model form. Finally, we built a scaled 3D model out of compressed cardboard. It
was amazing to see the vast display of models created by the Year 9 cohort. Brittany Ruffin (9L)
Designs by Sherlyn Hii (12W)
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