2007 School Magazine
International Studies
A passion for the Classics is still the sine qua non for any sucessful Latin student, whether scanning dactyllic hexameters or enjoying the fun of a cena togata as part of our Imperium Romanum
Exploring Cultures
Competition, as one Year 8 student remarked, “Latin is very educational and it’s almost as if I am taking a double subject because you do history and language all in one. The Roman feast was a great learning experience not to mention extremely delicious.”
The International Studies Faculty once again this year has worked towards integrating languages into the lives of our students and the School community with a variety of language activities and occasions in and out of the classroom. Ongoing opportunities for students to enhance their language skills and cultural appreciation beyond classroom learning are provided through our Native Speaker Language Tutor programme, interaction with students at Brisbane Grammar School through restaurant visits and language days, and visits out into the community in the target language.
“On Wednesday 20 June the Year 10 Chinese cohort set off to
the Chung Tien Temple, the biggest Buddhist Temple in
Brisbane. At the temple we had the chance to experience several Chinese activities, such as tai chi, calligraphy and Buddhist meditation. We had lots of fun, especially ringing the giant bell.” Yr 10 student of Chinese
These visits have included, among others, the Chinese Temple with an introduction to Buddhist practices and to Tai Chi, a morning of traditional Japanese music at Mt Coot-tha
Botanical Gardens, a viewing at the German Film Festival and visits to the Queensland Art Gallery. In addition, the many students who visit and spend time with the School across the year from our International Affiliate Schools give another important dimension to our language learning and cultural appreciation. Ms Lorraine Thornquist Director
“Learning another language is an exciting part of school life at Girls Grammar and is one of the lessons I always look forward to. It is a great way to expand your knowledge of different places and cultures whilst having fun.” Year 8 student
Northern hemisphere summer school holidays beginning in late June, marks the beginning of our welcome to students and staff from our International Affiliate Schools who visit us for periods from two up to eight weeks: Maria-Wächtler Gymnasium in Essen, our schools in Japan, Mie Junior and Senior High School in Matsusaka and Seirinkan High School near Nagoya, and this year Shanghai No 3 Girls High School visited us on their biennial timetable. It’s clear that the French students enjoy the summer experience here as February has become the annual visit schedule for Lycée Saint Paul group to experience a different school and home life for almost three weeks at Brisbane Girls Grammar School. Every one of these visits enlivens our campus and confirms our commitment to ensuring our students can experience communication with their peers
“The highlight of my final year here at Brisbane Girls Grammar School was the opportunity to host a student from our Chinese Affiliate School, Shanghai No. 3 Girls School. It allowed me to build a friendship with and learn about the culture of a girl my own age who lives a very different life.” Year 12 student “One highlight from this year has been the cultural exchanges from Mie and Seirinkan High School, which allowed us to enhance our knowledge of Japanese society. Reciprocal exchanges at the end of the year are anticipated with great enthusiasm.” Year 11 student “I wish I could stay here for ever as I’ve loved being a Grammar girl and I’ve had a fantastic and precious time.” Mami Asano, Seirinkan High School, Affiliate School in Japan.
from the wider
French seems intent on including fashion and food into the language learning and this year there were the Girls Grammar versions of the Paris fashion shows as well as the menu à prix fixe at Le Classic restaurant. Bastille Day was again celebrated with Brisbane Grammar School – an occasion that made us work together and think about what we
“I really enjoyed the trip to the Japanese restaurant. The food was really interesting and it was fun making it ourselves. Ordering and paying for the drinks in Japanese was also very enjoyable and there were a lot of laughs and
world. Already an
extended network of friendships has developed between students and families over the many years of the programme. Repeat visits are not uncommon particularly with students from the French Affiliate school. In return, a number of Grammar girls ventured to France, Germany and Japan at the end of 2007 as part of
questions to each other about the correct phrase. It was also nice socialising with everyone outside of
were actually celebrating. Year 9 student of French
school but in a way that is unusual (in Japanese)” Year 10 student of Japanese
Study Tours which visited Affiliate School families and classes. Ms Lorraine Thornquist Director
“It is the moments in which there is meaningful communication that provide the “a-ha” experiences for learners and our 2007 German classes have experienced that in many ways. From the ease of listening to and, more importantly, understanding the German news to unexpected exchanges in the streets of Brisbane, in which directions have been given in the language or assistance provided to German speaking tourists.” Year 11 student of German
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