2006 School Magazine



Rock climbing The journey

Two teams were entered in the Queensland Schools State Teams Racing Championships in the hope of regaining the Open Girls title. This competition was held in the first weekend of the Easter holidays and as everyone else was sleeping in, 14 girls were hard at work training and competing in the Open Girls and Junior divisions of the competition. Both teams raced with determination but unfortunately, on the day the better teamwon. CongratulationsMoreton Bay College! With enthusiastic girls, coaches and co-ordinator, the Sailing Club is bound for an even more incredible year.

Sailing Club. With Mr Greatorex’s departure we welcomed Miss J Driver as our new Sailing Co- ordinator. Each Sunday of Terms I and IV saw both the Development and Competitive Squad members training on Moreton Bay. The Development Squad had the largest intake of new sailors ever, with 18 keen Year 8 students rising early to begin training by 8.30am. The Competitive Squad trained in the afternoonandfocusedonimproving their understanding of teams’racing tactics. Many of the younger sailors in the squad moved beyond their comfort zones to take on the challenge of becoming skippers.We look forward to the next few years as all sailors continue to develop their skills and move through the ranks into the senior teams.

Dodging volleyballs, the other climbers and I run across the gym. We see the walls, new this year. Towering above our heads is Catt’s Walk, always a tough climb, now a twelve and a half metre back breaking, blister forming wall of doom! We smile and walk towards the boots. Strapped in and chalked up, we head towards the wall and pick up helmets. Checks done, we are ready to ascend. At the third panel I am already using the yellow holds. I hear yells from below“stick to the black!” but I intend to conquer the wall however I can. The overhang is just out of reach. I brace myself with my boots and extend my arm . . . I yell “falling!” I hang in the air like a dead puppet and come down, defeated again. Oh well, Rock climbing is a sport of “ups and downs.” This year at rock climbing has been challenging, invigorating and deeply satisfying. Everyone has achieved goals, whether it was to climb Catt’s Walk on black, or to conquer an overhang for the first time. Throughout the year even some future Year 8s tried rock climbing; we hope to be seeing them next year. Last year this initiative was very successful; grade eights made up the majority of climbers this year. We would like to extend our thanks to Mr B Greatorex, without whom none of our climbing would be possible. We would also like to especially thank Miss Jenny O’Brien (2003) whose help, encouragement and support is greatly appreciated.

Sailing Changes at the helm This year Mr B Greatorex was farewelled as Sailing Co-ordinator after ten years of service. We have greatly appreciated all the time he has devoted to developing the

Jessica Higgs (12R) Captain


Fencing Allez!

Rebecca Conrick (9W) and Annalise Varghese (9W)

Open – Georgie Mitchell

In Term I we held a training day which allowed fencers to prepare for the upcoming season. The morning was devoted to footwork, technique and general fitness, which meant push ups and lunges. In the afternoon, a competition was held within the squad. This day focused on developing skills and friends. It was important that the girls felt a sense of belonging within the community for upcoming competitions. This year we hadmany fencers eager tocompete intheBrisbaneGrammar School Invitational Competition in Term II. With nine teams entered, our greatest success was the Junior All Weapons Team who placed first. At the end of the term, the girls were invited to fence in the Australian Nationals in Sydney, competing individually and in teams. Although our Open Team lost in the

Touch A force for many years to come Although a relatively new sport, Touch Football has firmly established its own place within the School community. The 2006 season has been the most successful one yet. The girls’ outstanding School spirit was exemplified by their enthusiastic rendition of the School war cry at the conclusion of each match, regardless of the final score. This, combined with our small but enthusiastic cheer squad, created a supportiveandexcitingatmosphere at each Friday afternoon fixture. Whether it was running “length of the field” tries or being first to the food table, Brisbane Girls Grammar School girls displayed an

impressive swiftness of foot. We attribute the exceptional results of the season to the dedication and expertise of all the coaches. All players displayed admirable teamwork and support for one another. This support extended throughout the entire squad and many cross-grade friendships were established. While all girls tried their hardest, special mention must go to the 9A, 9B and 8B Teams, who all won their respective age premiership. Congratulations to both the Open and Senior A Teams who finished with more wins than any previous senior teams. The Year 8s are to be commended on their constantly improving skill level, brilliant attitude and sportsmanship. These qualities will serve them well during the remainder of their Touch careers.

preliminarycompetitiontocompete as the Queensland School’s Team, we received a late invitation and placed fourth behind New Zealand, Victoria and New South Wales. Fencing is a club sport which encourages fitness, belonging, and individuality. The girls become part of a fencing family which introduces them to a larger community outside the School. This year the girls have

performed extremely well and it has been a lot of fun. It has been our pleasure to train beside all the girls both new and old and we are very proud of all of them for their effort, involvement and enthusiasm.

Our sincere thanks is extended to the Co-ordinator, Miss N Sloane, for her continued passion and devotion to Girls Grammar Touch. With the talent of the younger players, Girls Grammar Touch will remain a force for many years to come.

Caitlin Sivyer (11L) and Lauren Hurcum (11W) Acting Fencing Captains

Georgina Mitchell (12L) and Megan Rutherford (12B) Captains

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