2006 School Magazine
Jennifer Short (10W) performs a great tackle towin the corner
Netball A popular sport
This year Brisbane Girls Grammar School again fielded 16 teams in the QGSSSA Netball Competition, making it one of the largest sports in the School. At the end of Term I, the trials for the Netball teams began. With an average of 70 very talented girls trialling for the 30 to 40 places available in each age group, it became immediately obvious that Girls Grammar would again field committed and competitive teams. For Year 8 these trails presented an opportunity to meet new people and make new friends. After the completion of trials and naming teams, the long term training began before the commencement of the QGSSSA competition in Term III. Throughout the season there were exemplaryperformancesbystudents who performed exceptionally well andextraordinarydedicationshown by coaches. The girls’ dedication and enjoyment resulted in many premierships. The Vicki Wilson Cup is a state-wide elite schoolgirl Netball Competition for secondary students. In 2006 over 170 schools participated with 11 regions represented. Girls Grammar was fortunate enough to field a team that played with determination and enthusiasm. The successful outcomes of the 2006 Netball season are a reflection of each player’s outstanding talent, commitment, sportsmanship and camaraderie.
Hockey 30 years of teamwork
Rhythmic Gymnastics Embracing change and success
With the experienced coaching of past student Ms Cathy Taylor-Alt (1989), the Open Team had a most enjoyable and rewarding season. The team showed incredible Girls Grammar spirit and team work, placing well in the final points table. This year the Senior A and Senior B joined forces to create an exceptionally strong team of girls. Coached by past student Ms Katharine Barram (1999), they enjoyed a successful season asserting their dominance over the competition with outstanding displays of individual skill and teamwork. TheYear 10s performedwith enthusiasmand commitment, demonstrating their love for the game and a strong team spirit. Under the direction of their coaches, the teamdemonstrated continued improvement andproved to be a formidable opponent. Inspired by their previous year of Hockey, the Year 9s showed increasing talent and knowledge which was evident in their success and solid performance as a team. The Year 8s displayed great skill and dedication which combined with their keen attitude and enjoyment of the game should provide great potential for the future of Girls Grammar Hockey. Girls Grammar also entered three teams in the BWHA Club Hockey season. This competition has proven to be a vital component of the development of Girls Grammar Hockey players as it not only allows existing players to perfect and develop their technique in preparation for the upcoming QGSSSA season, but also provides the opportunity for new players to participate in the Girls Grammar sporting community. Overall, all teams produced great results, showing determination, enthusiasm and commitment throughout the entire season.
Reflecting this year’s overall School theme of “Build it up!”, the goal for Rhythmic Gymnastics was to encourage everyone to have fun together, to work together and to build a team of successful gymnasts. This ambition was easily fostered under the direction of new Head Coach, Ms Anita Hobson-Powell. The season commenced in March with ‘Come and Try’ sessions. Teams were finalised in early April and training began with girls attending chilly 6:30am sessions and a compulsoryMonday afternoon body session. During the June/July holiday, an intense holiday training camp was held. This preparation allowed for pivots, flexes, balances and leaps to be perfected under the expert eyes of five assistant coaches, each of whom were past Brisbane Girls Grammar Open representatives. The enthusiasmof theYear 8 initiates and their eager approach to training was rewarded with amazing improvement in skill acquisition. The QGSSSA competition was held on 12 August. The Year 8 teams overcame competitionnerves andpresentedbeautiful routines togain third place. Talented B Grade Teams completed clean routines with big smiles that clearly impressed the judgeswhoawarded themsecondplace.Thehard work invested by AGrade resulted in confident performances with all teams achieving high scores to secure second place. Special congratulations must go to Ball Team (1) and the Combination Team for vibrant performances and consequent wins in their division. The competition concluded with the Open Teams competition. All girls performed admirably, particularly the Ball Pair of Johanna Bear (9H) and Zarah Walker (10B) and the Hoop Routine of Nicole Rowles (11E) and Ceit Wilson (120) whose scores were combined to achieve the premiership. We were delighted to see each girl proudly strive to achieve her best and we would like to thank Mrs Adams for her ongoing support and wish all gymnasts the very best of luck for next year.
Michelle Geddes (12L) nd Petraea Jansons (12L) Captains
Annelise Kerr (12G) and Madeline Farmer (12H) Captains
Ceit Wilson (12O) and Niti Sheth (12O) Captains
20 06
Br isbane Gir ls Grammar School
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