2006 School Magazine
The Sound of Singing The choral programme has seen the most enthusiastic, capable and excited girls sing a broad range of music with fervent happiness all year long in one or more of the five choirs available to them. Most of the two hundred girls in the choral programme came to choir each morning or afternoon with a cheery grin on their faces, something Mr Holley always encouraged. Although rehearsals were a little cramped in our temporary venue while the new Creative Learning Centre was being built, every choir rehearsal was an enjoyable experience. At almost every rehearsal there would be one extremely funny incident that occurred, which made choir much more entertaining. All girls have been dedicated and were able to present beautifully at every concert including the Cathedral Concert, Gala and Choral Concert. The auditioned choirs, Grammar Singers and Chamber Singers, were for students who wanted to extend their ensemble skills and who felt the need for more singing in their lives. Chantelle May (8H) and Harriette Pilbeam (8E) were two students who happily joined Chamber Singers at thebeginningof Year 8. Suha Alikhan (12L), Breana Cohen (12O) and Bridget Anese (12G) all agreed that without choir in their life, it would be incomplete. Choir was not just about singing this year, but dancing, having fun andenjoyingeverymoment.Singing has truly enhanced the overall Girls Grammar experience, as it has not only provided a pleasant alternative to studying but also provided common ground for girls to create many friendships along the way.
It’s a Classic – Gala Fever The tenth Annual Gala Concert titled, It’s a Classic, was an explosion of classical music that challenged the players, entertained the audience and appealed to all musical tastes. The Gala integrated a vast array of popular and well known classical pieces that were complemented with innovative classic rock medleys. An exciting combination of Chamber Orchestra, Chamber Singers, Grammar Singers, the Big Band, Symphonic Winds, Symphonic Orchestra, Combined Choir and Percussion Ensemble performances guaranteedaneveningof dazzling entertainment. The concert featured a former student and outstanding violinist Jenny Khafagi (2002) who performed Summer from the Four Seasons and included popular classics such as excerpts from Mozart’s Requiem, Hungarian Dance No 5, Pomp and Circumstance March No 1, Bolero, 1812 Overture and one or two other surprises. Allmusicwas accompaniedby imageryprojected onto giant screens on either side of the stage. It’s a Classic was a memorable Gala Concert, a testament to the extensive work and musical preparation in many weeks of rehearsals.
String along Brisbane Girls Grammar School Strings has a solid reputation as being a vibrant, high quality, and significant part of the Grammar community. This year, many events have showcased these attributes, including Music Camp, the Gala and Open Day, as well as the Autumn, May Series and Cathedral concerts and performances. All the string ensembles have performed at the highest possible standard, thanks to the stellar contributions of time and energy by their conductors and concertmasters. The repertoire has been consistently challenging, varied and enjoyable to perform, and the concerts have been well-organised and entertaining. My best wishes to the staff and girls for the future use of the new Creative Learning Centre. It has been a pleasure to lead so many talented and enthusiastic musical girls to make 2006 a successful Strings year.
Sarah Burr (12M)
Ashleigh Weidmann (12W) Choral Captain
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Br isbane Gir ls Grammar School
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