2006 School Magazine



Theatresports – team Banana

My year as Drama Captain

My dramatic year began with the role of the nurse in Romeo and Juliet. This was performed with Brisbane Grammar School in a wonderful outside setting. The well- known classic is a tale of love that cannot endure because of warring families and it ends with the tragic deaths of both Romeo and Juliet. After weeks of strenuous, chilly outdoor rehearsals, the play came together after the Easter holidays. Though it was a risk performing such a dramatic and steamy play with enthusiastic teenagers from both Schools, the final product, backed by a brilliant crew, was very successful. Being in the production really opened my eyes to Shakespeare. I had never really thought about all the minute details that went into every line I was saying. I was given the opportunity to enjoy and experience Shakespeare through a hands-on experience. The year has also been a successful one for Theatresports and my team made it through to the Semi Finals of the Interschool Competition. We all had a lot of fun. Throughout my time at Brisbane Girls Grammar School I have been ranging fromtheatreproductions to clubs. I have found that each and every aspect of the co-curricular programme helped to further my understanding and skills within my academic Drama studies. I would really like to thank the entire Creative Arts Faculty for allowingme to be Drama Captain of 2006. It has been a wild year but I have enjoyed every aspect and I hope this joy and fever for Drama has been given back to the School to which I owe so much. involved in as many dramatic activities as I possibly could,

Strike up the band “Music is your own experience, your own thoughts, your wisdom. If you don’t live it, it won’t come out of you. They teach you there’s a boundary line to music. But, there’s no boundary line to an art.” Charlie Parker There’s no rest for the wicked, and what a wicked time we had on the first weekend back at Dakabin for the 2006 Brisbane Girls Grammar School Music Camp. Team spirit saw everyone wearing hand-made headbands and having great fun. The Year 8 Music Welcome Concert in February in the Gehrmann Theatre was a smash. The audience stood up to sing along to Curtis Mayfield’s “People Get Ready’, an infectious gospel song that the music students and teachers have grown to love this year. The May Concert Series proved hard work for the bands and teachers, culminating in five wonderful concerts. Over three consecutive Friday nights, every musical group in the school was showcased. The last concert presented the four finalists of the Instrumental and Vocal Competition competing for the R T & A E Jefferies Bursary. Music practice continued through exams and during Term III, leading up to various performances on Open Day in August. The stage lawn was the centrepiece of Grammar musical talent. The Gala in October at City Hall was, as ever, the highlight of the 2006 music programme. Old and new ‘Classics’ proved popular with the packed audience. The year wrapped up with all the bands playing Christmas favourites in the gym.

The Shakespeare Fan Club is a new club at the School. It consists of a small but dedicated group of girls who genuinely enjoy performing and interpreting different Shakespearianworks. Members of the club have performed monologues from a wide variety of plays, and are now working on

Alistair to accompany him on crusades to Buckingham Palace and the Amazon, with humorous consequences. The production process was a slightly stressful but rewarding experience for all involved and, though there were some first night jitters, every one was enthusiastic and the second night went off without a hitch. We aimed to have the audience in tears of laughter and sadness and I think we came pretty close. The technique of multiple role changes was used throughout the production by the director, Mrs E Pattemore. This was effective as it provided a greater opportunity for a number of Year 10 students to be part of the play and allowed the audience to see the characters from a different perspective. The productionwas fortunateenoughto be accompanied by the stunning vocals of Hannah Cameron (10B) between scenes. The theme song, Flame Trees, and other modern Australian songs were emotive and enhanced the mood.

a performance of “Twelfth Night in twelve minutes”. Samantha Luck (10W)

Year Ten Production: TwoWeeks with the Queen TwoWeekswiththeQueen isabout a typical, outgoing Aussie boy, Colin, who is suddenly flung into an unfamiliar world when his younger brother is diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. His parents send him to stay with family in London as they “…don’t want to make him suffer too”. Colin does not accept nor understand the situation and is certain that all the doctors are just not doing enough. In an attempt to find a cure for the disease, he convinces his unsuspecting cousin

Overall, however, the cast learned a great deal from their involvement. Wehope that cast, crewandaudience gained a greater understanding of the grief and frustration associated with serious illness.

Tess Evans (10W)

Emily Smith (12E) Band Captain


Phoebe Black (12G)

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