2006 School Magazine
The Winner
Year 10s
An unforgettable journey
The House Captains
Year 12s
Hirschfeld started off the year with a loud, delicious, fun-filled and incredibly orange House Party. Following this was Interhouse Swimming where the spirit of the House was outstanding. Without a doubt, Hirschfeld was the loudest House in the stands. The next event was Interhouse Cross Country followed by Interhouse Choir and then Drama, in all of which Hirschfeld House performed admirably. It was exciting to see the Years 8s and 9s give suchcreditableperformances in ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ andour HouseChoirwas awardedan honourable mention. Our Year 11s excelled themselves by organising a brilliant hot potato stall for Open Day, raising nearly $3,000 for the Save the Children Fund. The incredible support and respect that each member of Hirschfeld has for one another is a contributing factor in our success.
The unfailing spirit of the House proves that Hirschfeld is certainly capable of achieving anything we put our minds to. If asked, “What exemplifies Hirschfeld House?” the following words would come to mind: united, supportive, spirited and fun loving.These words have resonated with consistency in every event in which the House has participated this year.Our House mascot, the Tiger, really defines the determination, and the persistent and energetic
Year 11s
characteristics of the House. We ‘Tigers’ have the loudest ROAR!
Year 8s
Year 9s
This year has been exceptional because House spirit has been incredible. The attitude, motivation and commitment of the Seniors have been a positive influence on the younger girls. This flowed through the Sports Captains and the House Prefects who made a significant contribution to the House by establishing a connection
enormous support received from each of the House Group Teachers and from Mrs Stubbington who holds the House together and is always there for us in every arena. This year, Hirschfeld has redefined Orange as the new Black. Christina Black and Jien-Li Tan House Captains
with each girl. The leaders of Hirschfeld appreciated the
Four new tiggers
20 06
Our Spirit Captain
Br isbane Gir ls Grammar School
school magazine
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