2006 School Magazine
Despite the fun and excitement, Griffith’s fundraising goal was never far from mind with money being raisedthroughout theyear forMultiple Sclerosis, a very worthwhile cause. Many thanks must go to our Head of House Ms O’Sullivan and Year 12 House Group Teacher Mr Wheatley, without whom none of this would have been possible. Their efforts and the efforts of Mrs Parkinson, Mrs Sharma, Miss McAdam andMiss Axelsen are greatly appreciated by all in Griffith House. This definitely was another year in which the Griffith Redbacks proved that they had the spirit, enthusiasm and dedication of a not so itsy bitsy spider.
Notsoitsybitsy… What does it mean to be in Griffith? It is not just about being red, although we’re very, VERY red! Being in Griffith in 2006 has been all about spirit, enthusiasm and fun! Competition
Elizabeth Stafford and Sunitha Chamala House Captains
Years 8 and 9 took the spotlight at the Interhouse Drama with their ridiculously hilarious “Bruce and the Beanstalk”, an adaptation of the fairytale, “Jack and the Beanstalk”. At the first sporting event of the year, the pool was no match for our Griffith spiders who splashed through the water with style at the Interhouse Swimming. It was during Interhouse Choir, however, that we saw Griffith girls outshine and outsing the other Houses. With dazzling solos by Samantha Cattach (12), Amelia Richardson-Dear (12) and Amy Young (8), Griffith gained an exciting first place.
The Interhouse Cross Country was approached with gusto by the Griffith Redbacks, with girls scuttling, skipping and sprinting their way to the finish line. Outstanding efforts by Rachel Ferris (12) and Isabeau Williams (9) saw them placed first in their respective age groups. The final sporting event was just as successful as the rest when the stands shone red at the Interhouse Athletics. An amazing result was achieved by Isabeau Williams (9) who was named both Athletics Age Champion and joint School Athletics Champion. All girls gave their best effort and proved once again that the other Houses were no match for a spider’s enthusiasm.
from the other Houses in various Interhouse events throughout the year proved tough, although as always Griffith girls rose to the challenge and proved that they were not so itsy bitsy…
20 06
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