2006 School Magazine



Under the ever-watchful eye of our fearless mascot, the Purple Phantom Gibsonites have outdone themselves in 2006.

To kickstart our year, Gibson House came together and hosted its annual House Party that involved wacky games, creative dress up, scrumptious food and the awarding of prizes such as the prestigious Miss Gibson and Miss Phantom Phashion.The spirit and fun epitomised in this first House event displayed the jam-packed enthusiasm and vivacity which was the foundation of Gibson’s success in 2006.

The unique person behind every phantom’smaskwas uncovered this year, as Gibsonites stepped up to create a new level of achievement in Interhouse events. The strongly bonded Gibson House showed its talent and ultimate team effort as we ‘rocked’ in the pool, on the track and even on the hilly terrains. Gibson House gained second place in Interhouse Swimming, first place in Interhouse Athletics and third in Interhouse Cross Country. An integral part of being in Gibson House is the fulfilment we feel from supportingourWorldVisionsponsor child, Sifundza Vusi of Swaziland. On Open Day, the strawberries and

of House for the past two years, who has constantly supported us and brought new and innovative ideas to Gibson. Finally, we would like to say a particularly important thank you to the Year 12s. You have become like a family and the friendships we have created can never be replaced. Phoebe Pullen and Louise Yuen House Captains.

ice-cream stall organised by the Year 11s raised an outstanding amount of money setting a new record for Gibson. In keeping with tradition, the Year 12s continued their Easter egg drive for The Royal Children’s Hospital which proved truly rewarding. We would like to say thank you to the people who have made our five years in Gibson House the best years of our lives. We must acknowledgeMr Holley, our Head of House for three years, who greeted us on our first day in Year 8, and to the rest of Gibson House for supporting us this year. A special thank you to Ms Euler, our Head


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